Accounts/Resetting Your Password

You will have a variety of passwords for various services you use while at UCSD, managed by different campus entities. Each of these services will have a different way to reset their password in the event your forget your password or somehow get locked out of your account.

For the most up to date information on resetting campus-managed (as opposed to CSE-managed or Jacobs-School-managed) passwords, you can do a search on campus blink for something like "reset password" (though more information will follow):

Listed below are some common types of accounts and how you would reset your password for that type of account:

Active Directory

Your active directory account is a campus-wide account, and is used for a variety of services. These services include: the wireless network, the campus VPN, and a large number of other services that use the UC Single-Sign-On ("SSO") service for authentication and authorization.

To reset your active directory password, go to the following web page:

Business Systems

Not everyone has one of these as this account is mostly employee-related.  Your business systems account is used for interacting with the university's business systems web-based applications and various web applications provided by the CSE department and other entities on campus.

Campus documentation on re-setting your Business Systems password:

If you have never had a business systems account before, you can request a new business systems account by clicking on the New User? link the single sign-on login screen for any business systems application.  You must be registered as an employee of the university and you must have a social security number on file with the university.   Note: for people coming from outside the US, one common problem is having an incorrect Social Security Number on file with the University.

E-mail (Gmail, "")

Prior to Fall 2020, all CSE staff, faculty, staff, and grad students have one of these.  As of Fall 2020, PhD and MS students instead get a "" gmail account instead of an "@eng" account.   CSE faculty and staff do still receive gmail accounts in the "@eng" domain, and grad students admitted in 2019 or earlier will generally also have an "@eng" account rather than a gmail account directly in the "" domain.

To reset your "@eng" Google Apps password, click the Can't access your account? link on the Gmail login screen.  This account is managed by the Jacobs School of Engineering IT group ("OEC").  They can be reached at

CSE "Login" (ldap) Account

This account is used, for instance, to log in to the Jacobs School login server (  Not everyone needs this, and this is generally for long-term department members like PhD students and Faculty.  If an ldap account was created for you at the beginning of your stay, you should have received your credentials via email (from OEC), at the same time you received your gmail credentials.  As of Fall 2020, these are being created only on a per-request basis however.

If you do have an ldap account and you know your password and simply want to change it, log in to and use the passwd command to change your password. To reset your LDAP password if you forgot it, please contact us at If you do not have an ldap account but do in fact need one, you can contact and explain your needs, and we can create an account on your behalf.