CSE DEI Committee

CSE DEI Committee

Our Vision

To embody the above spirit, the CSE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee has developed a CSE vision and strategic plan, which forms the foundation of all of our initiatives.

Read our vision

About the Community

The CSE DEI Community is a group of dedicated faculty, students and staff working on promoting and supporting diversity and inclusion efforts across the department. The community meets once a quarter and can be reached by email at cse-dei-leads@ucsd.edu. These are only a few of the happenings in our department, and as we continue to grow, so do our efforts. Come join us and help us create a more diverse and inclusive community.

Some of our past CSE DEI Community projects include A Day in the Life Video Contest and  Celebrations of Diversity.

Join our mailing list!

Non Discrimination Statement

In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.

More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.

DEI Committee and Contact Info

For general inquiries, contact cse-dei-leads@ucsd.edu


Committee Members

Gerald Soosairaj

Gerald Soosairaj

Faculty, Committee Co-Chair

Christine Alvarado

Christine Alvarado

Faculty, Committee Co-Chair

Dean Tullsen

Dean Tullsen


George Porter

George Porter


Photo of Jishen Zhao

Jishen Zhao


Loukik Raina

Loukik Raina

MS Student

Yuliana Chavez

Yuliana Chavez


Photo of Lovella Cacho

Lovella Cacho


Previous Committee Members

Barna Saha (2023-2024)

Emma Hogan (2023-2024)

Ismael Villegas Molina (2023-2024)

Teddy Hall (2023-2024)

Sandhya Jayaraman (2023-2024)

Victoria Zhang (2023-2024)

Audria Saravia-Montalvo (2023-2024)

Nandhini Swaminathan (2023-2024)

Navyaa Gupta (2023-2024)

Nawab Mulla (2023-2024)

D'ante McCurty (2023-2024)

Andrew Doan (2023-2024)

Ndapa Nakashole (2022-2023)

Valerie Gurrola (2022-2022)

Kathy Chen (2022-2023)

Chris Dambrosia (2021-2023)

Pat Pannuto (2021-2023)

Eman Sherif (2021-2022)

Niha Bhaskar (2021-2023)

Sophia Krause-Levy (2021-2023)

Max Hopkins (2020-2021)

Adrian Salguero (2019-2020)

Patrick Mallon (2019-2021)

Ailie Fraser (2019-2020)

Priyal Sunjeja (2019-2021)

Shraddha Barke (2019-2020)

Ryan Kastner (2019-2020)

Cynthia Sanchez (2019-2020)

Nicole Martindale (2019-2022)

Raechel Walker (2019-2021)

Margaret Ramaeker (2018-2019)

Steven Rick (2017-2021)

Sorin Lerner (2017-2020)

Ariana Mirian (2017-2022)

Veronica Abreu (2017-2020)

Tierra Terrell (2017-2020)

Moein Khazraee (2017-2019)