Department Activities

Department Activities

CSE's commitment to diversity and inclusion is not only prevalent among the students - it is also a top priority for the department. Below are some examples of our current efforts to foster diversity and inclusion:

We sponsor undergraduates from diverse backgrounds early in their career to engage in research in the Early Research Scholars Program (ERSP).

We provide fee waivers for graduate applications to students who have shown significant contributions to diversity.

Our department also promotes UCSD campus-wide fellowships for contributions to diversity, for example the San Diego and Cota Robles Fellowships.

We attend prominent diversity conferences and visit other universities to advertise our programs and recruit students and faculty who have made strong contributions to diversity. In 2019, we were able to send representatives to NSBC, the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, the oSTEM National Conference, and SACNAS. We hope to attend more conferences in the coming years to strengthen and showcase our department’s dedication to diversity efforts. If you have suggestions for conferences that we should focus on, please send an email to

Every Faculty candidate, in their application, must complete a diversity statement - these contributions are used in both hiring and promotion decisions.

Our CSE Faculty have received UCSD Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Diversity Awards for their efforts to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in computer science.

More recently, our CSE Staff and Students have also received UCSD Inclusive Excellence Awards for their contributions to a more diverse and inclusive community.

Every year, the CSE Department sponsors students to attend the CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop, a 2-day workshop for women graduate students in computing to network with senior women in the field and learn techniques for succeeding in grad school.

The Center for Networked Systems (CNS) provides a $10,000 fellowship, in Alan Turning's memory, to an undergraduate student who is both interested in networked systems and active in supporting the LGBT community. Find out more about this scholarship here.

CSE Professor Andrew B. Kahng is Director of the P.O. Pistilli Undergraduate Scholarship for Advancement in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, a scholarship that serves to increase the pool of professionals in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science from under-represented groups (female, African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and disabled students).

The CSE community strives to actively support access to CSE education and careers for those with disabilities by providing access and resources.

The CSE Department supports Veterans and dependents through programs, courses and advising services.