Information for Instructors and Students

The bulk of the computing resources and support for students is provided by campus ITS (Information Technology Services).

If you are having problems with email, your campus account or class resources (computers, lab workstations and other central resources), please contact the ITS Service Desk at or (858)546-HELP(4357). The ITS web site is at

If your class has a TA and you have a question related to a class assignment, please check with your TA first. Your TA knows how the assignments are supposed to work. Since they know the material better than a general computing support technician, they may be able to give you the quickest and most accurate answer. Of course, if something appears to be broken or you have a problem that is not directly related to a class assignment, please feel free to contact the appropriate support group for assistance.

Instructional Support

ETS provides computing support for classes. The ETS web site is at

If your course will use any ETS services (including using the workstations in the basement labs), you must fill out a CINFO (Course Information Request) form.

ITS lab support (B210-B270)

If you need assistance with the computers in any of the ITS labs or with the ITS servers (ieng*, please see the ITS Computer Labs page on the ITS web site at for assistance.

Specialized lab support

If you are a student in a class which uses a specialized lab in CSE (such as the embedded systems lab) and you run into technical difficulties, contact CSEHelp at

Class web sites

Each quarter CSEHelp creates web space for simple HTML/PHP based web sites for all regular CSE classes.  If you prefer setting up your own simple web site as opposed to using a learning management system.  You may use this web space.

These class web sites are linked to by the department web site.  If you would like to host your course materials in a different place, you can ask CSEHelp to point the department web site at your alternate location or you can place an index.html with a redirect in it in the course web space