The CSE Honors Program encourages eligible undergraduate students to perform advanced study in their major. Students in the honors program work under the supervision of CSE faculty on an undergraduate research project, typically completed over two quarters. The honors program is excellent preparation for further study in a graduate program. Students who complete the honors program also have an honors distinction officially bestowed on their diploma upon graduation.
Eligibility for Admission
In accordance with University Honors Program guidelines, to apply for the CSE Honors Program students must meet the following prerequisites:
- Junior-level standing in a CSE major**
- 3.5 GPA in upper-division CSE major requirements, 3.25 GPA overall
- Completion of CSE 101 (all majors), CSE 105 (BA & BS Computer Science), and CSE 110 (BA & BS Computer Science, BS Computer Engineering)
- Completion of at least 12 units of upper-division CSE courses at UCSD
**Students with senior-level standing may be eligible to apply for the CSE Honors Program if all requirements can be met by their last quarter
Application Procedure
To apply for admission to the CSE Honors Program, students must submit a CSE Honors Program Application (pdf) that includes the following information:
- Name of CSE faculty advisor sponsoring the project
- Project proposal (one page)
- Signature from the faculty advisor acknowledging that the faculty member has agreed to advise the student in the honors program, and corroborates the specifics of the project
- Signature from CSE student affairs advisor on the application form
Submit the application no later than the end of Fall quarter of senior year. Submission during Spring quarter of junior year is strongly encouraged.
Admission to the honors program will be formally approved by the CSE honors committee based upon the materials provided in the application
Completion Requirements
In accordance with University Honors Program guidelines, to complete the CSE honors program students must meet the following requirements upon graduation:
- 3.25 GPA in a CSE major
- 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.0 (letter grade of B) or higher
- Written honors thesis
- Presentation of honors project
- Signature from faculty advisor on an honors completion form
- Completion of requirements by the end of the Spring quarter of graduation
Written Thesis
Students must write a thesis describing their honors research project. The thesis must have the content, rigor, and format of scholarly publications in Computer Science and Engineering. The faculty advisor must have reviewed and approved the honors thesis prior to submission by the student.
Presentation of Project
Students must orally present their project as a requirement for the honors program. Students have many opportunities for fulfilling this requirement:
- UCSD Annual Undergraduate Research Conference
- An ORU research review or workshop (e.g., Calit2, CNS, CWC, CCMS, ITA Center)
- UCSD Summer Research Conference
- A conference or workshop presentation
- A graduate research seminar
- Alternative presentation opportunity provided by faculty advisor**
**If you have any questions about opportunities to present your CSE Honors Research, we recommend that you connect directly with your faculty advisor to find available opportunities.
Honors Designations
Depending on student performance in their honors project, students are eligible to receive the following honors designations on their diploma:
- "With distinction": Complete the 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- "With high distinction": Complete the 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- "With highest distinction": Complete the 8 units of CSE 199H with a GPA of 3.8 or higher.
The CSE Honors designation will be added to your academic records after your DDA is reviewed by the CSE Department. Your honors designations will be listed on your degree and on your academic records
Unit Considerations
The CSE Honors Program does not increase the units required for graduation in a CSE major. Students participating in the CSE Honors Program may apply 8 units of CSE 199H towards 8 of the 12 units of special studies permitted to fulfill CSE Elective/Technical Elective major requirements.
CSE Honors Step-By-Step Instructions
To see the full instructions for the CSE Honors program, please review the information in the tab below.
- CSE Honors Step-By-Step
If you’re interested in the CSE Honors program, connect with a CSE Advisor to discuss the CSE Honors Program application process and eligibility requirements.
We suggest connecting with CSE Advising as you approach the completion of the minimum eligibility requirements (CSE 101, 105, and 110 + Junior standing).
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis - there is no annual or quarterly deadline to apply for the CSE Honors Program.
You will need to wait until after you have a final grade in each of the eligibility courses (CSE 101, CSE 105, and CSE 110) to be eligible to apply.
Review and complete the CSE Honors Program Application
At the top of the form, fill out your personal information (Name, PID, etc.)
Review the “Eligibility Check” requirements to ensure that you are eligible to apply. Please do not check the “Eligibility Check” boxes, CSE Advising will check off these requirements during the review of your CSE Honors Application.
Fill out the “Application Checklist” section
Honors Thesis Faculty Advisor: please note that your faculty advisor for CSE 199H must be affiliated with the CSE Department.
Honors Project Proposal: you must attach your 1 page Honors Project Proposal to the CSE Honors Program Application.
Anticipated Quarters for CSE 199H: students must take CSE 199H for at least two quarters.
Reminder: All CSE 199H requirements must be complete by the end of your final quarter at UC San Diego.
Anticipated quarter of graduation: list your expected graduation quarter
To connect with a CSE Advisor to review your long-term plan and anticipated quarter of graduation, please review the instructions on the CSE Student Affairs Office Hours website.
Reach out to your CSE Faculty Advisor directly to request that they review your application and proposal, and provide feedback as necessary.
Obtain your faculty advisor’s signature on your CSE Honors Application.
Add your signature and the date to your completed CSE Honors Application and submit the signed form to CSE Advising via email at
If your application is approved, you will be notified via the Virtual Advising Center by your CSE Advisor and you will receive instructions on how to enroll in CSE 199H.
Add your section of CSE 199H prior to each quarter by submitting a “Special Studies” request type through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy).
Reminder: CSE 199H must be taken for a letter grade and 4 units. Please note that CSE 199H counts as a CSE Elective or Technical Elective, and may be used towards 8 of the 12 units of special studies allowed to count for the CSE major requirements.
To complete the CSE Honors Program, students must write an honors thesis and present their honors project by the end of their final quarter at UC San Diego.
After completing your CSE Honors Program requirements, connect with your faculty advisor for a final review of the “Completion Requirements” on your initial application.
Your faculty advisor will review the “Completion Requirements” section of your initial CSE Honors Application. They will check each of the “Completion Requirements” boxes and fill out any relevant information, and they will sign the bottom of the form.
Once your CSE Honors Program requirements have been completed and your form has been signed by your Faculty Advisor for completion, please return your signed CSE Honors Application to CSE Advising via email at
Your CSE advisor will review your completed Honors Application form and update CSE’s internal records accordingly to reflect your completion of the CSE Honors Program.
Your completed and signed CSE Honors Application will be uploaded to your Virtual Advising Center contact record, and you will be notified in the Virtual Advising Center.
Your Departmental Honors/Distinction will be included on your degree when your DDA is reviewed by CSE, and your honors designations will be listed on your degree and on your academic records.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Is there an annual or quarterly deadline to submit a CSE Honors Application? Can I submit my CSE Honors Application over the summer?
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis - there is no annual or quarterly deadline to apply for the CSE Honors Program. Students may submit your CSE Honors Application throughout the year, including over the summer.
- How long will it take for my CSE Honors Application to be processed?
After receiving your CSE Honors Application, it may take up to a few weeks for your application to be reviewed and processed by the CSE Department. CSE Advising will first review your application and forward it to the CSE Honors Faculty Coordinator.
All students who submit a CSE Honors Application will be notified via the Virtual Advising Center when their form has been accepted or denied, so please be sure to monitor your @ucsd email for any updates to your CSE Honors Application request. CSE Advising is available via the VAC to address any questions regarding your CSE Honors Application.
- Am I eligible for the CSE Honors Program if I have senior-level class standing?
Yes, you are eligible to apply to the CSE Honors Program even though you have enough units to be senior-level standing. CSE students may apply to the CSE Honors Program during their junior or senior year, but students should have at least two quarters before graduation before applying to the CSE Honors Program so that they have time to complete the 8 units of CSE 199H. Please be mindful of the CSE Honors Program requirements and ensure that you have enough time to complete the requirements during your remaining quarters at UC San Diego.
- How do I know if my faculty advisor is CSE Affiliated?
If you’re unsure whether your faculty advisor is CSE Affiliated, please check the CSE Faculty Profiles website. If you are still not sure whether your intended faculty advisor is CSE Affiliated, you can send CSE Advising a message in the Virtual Advising Center with the name of the faculty member you have in mind to check their CSE affiliation.
- When should I submit my EASy request for my first quarter of CSE 199H?
Students should submit their Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) request for their first quarter of CSE 199H after their CSE Honors Application has been approved and you have received a VAC message from CSE Advising with instructions for enrolling in CSE 199H. We recommend submitting your EASy request for CSE 199H prior to the quarter in which you plan to enroll. If you are submitting your EASy request after the quarter has already started, please note that students may enroll in CSE 199H after the Week 2 add deadline (requests will be reviewed through Week 8 at the latest).
- Is there a template for the 1 page Written CSE Honors Proposal?
CSE Advising does not have specific criteria or a template for writing the honors proposal. We suggest that you aim to write your proposal as clearly and concisely as possible so both your faculty advisor and the honors coordinator understand what you are trying to accomplish. For support with the writing process, consider visiting the Writing Hub website and scheduling a writing consultation:
Students applying for the CSE Honors Program are welcome to email the CSE Honors Program Committee Coordinator, Prof. Geoff Voelker to ask specific questions about the CSE Honors Program research process and discuss their CSE Honors Project Proposal.
- Does CSE Advising require a specific length, format, or style for the CSE Honors Project Written Thesis? Does CSE Advising have any examples of past CSE Honors research projects?
The CSE Department does not require a specific format, length, or style for the CSE 199H thesis paper, so we suggest coordinating with your faculty advisor and following their guidance on the best practices for formatting your research paper.
Your faculty advisor for CSE199H establishes the expectations for the format and length of the thesis paper, and they will also evaluate whether you have met the proposed expectations. For questions regarding written thesis expectations, it's best to collaborate directly with your faculty advisor.
Historically, CSE Advising does not collect examples of CSE Honors Research papers or presentations, so we do not have examples to share at this time. We recommend that students connect with their faculty advisors for guidance on their written thesis and presentation. - When should I submit my completed CSE Honors Program Application?
We recommend finalizing and submitting your CSE Honors Program Application as soon as you have completed all requirements listed on the “Completion Requirements” section of the form and obtained your faculty advisor’s signature. Please submit your signed and completed CSE Honors Application to CSE Advising via email at
All CSE 199H requirements must be completed by the end of your final quarter at UC San Diego, including the submission of your completed CSE Honors Program Application form. There is no strict deadline to submit this form to CSE Advising; however, if you’re unable to submit the form until after your final grades are posted for your final quarter at UCSD, it may delay your graduation processing.
To grant honors distinction during the DDA review process, CSE Advising must have your completed CSE Honors Program Application on file. Please submit your completed & signed CSE Honors Program Application as soon as it is complete to ensure the timely processing of your DDA and Honors Distinction.
- What happens if I do not finish the CSE Honors Program requirements by my final quarter at UC San Diego? Can I withdraw from the CSE Honors Program?
If you are unable to complete your CSE Honors Program requirements by the end of your final quarter at UC San Diego, you may withdraw from the CSE Honors program. Please contact CSE Advising via the Virtual Advising Center to notify us of your planned withdrawal from the CSE Honors Program, and CSE Advising will update its internal records accordingly.
If you decide to withdraw from the CSE Honors program, you will still be able to graduate and count up to 8 units of CSE 199H towards your 12 units of special studies permitted to fulfill CSE Elective Requirements, but you will not receive distinction on your degree. - Will CSE Advising check my GPA each quarter I’m enrolled in CSE 199H?
No, we will not check your major GPA between quarters enrolling in CSE 199H. Please note that although the eligibility to apply to the CSE Honors program is a 3.5 GPA in the CSE major courses, the completion requirement for the CSE Honors program is a 3.25 GPA in CSE major courses. Please keep these GPA requirements in mind, and plan accordingly.
- Can I take CSE 199H for a third time?
Yes, students are permitted to enroll in CSE 199H for more than two quarters, if they need an additional quarter to wrap up their honors research project. However, please note that only 8 units of CSE 199H can be applied toward CSE major elective requirements (8 of the 12 units of special studies allowed to fulfill CSE major requirements). To enroll in CSE 199H for a third time, you must submit a “Special Studies” request type through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy), as you did for the first two quarters of CSE 199H. CSE 199H must be taken for a letter grade and 4 units.
- Do I need to enroll in CSE 199H during consecutive quarters?
No, CSE 199H can be taken during non-consecutive quarters (e.g. taking CSE 199H in the Fall Quarter & Spring Quarter is fine). We recommend that students stay in touch with their faculty advisor to make sure you are on the same page regarding the research project timeline, CSE 199H enrollment, and the completion of your CSE Honors Program Requirements.
- What happens if I need to take CSE 199H in different quarters than those originally listed on my approved CSE Honors Program form?
If you need to take CSE 199H in different quarters than those originally listed, you will need to resubmit your CSE Honors Application with the corrected quarters and obtain the signatures again. Students are expected to complete their research project during the quarters indicated on the CSE Honors Application. Students can re-submit their updated CSE Honors Program form via email at Please be sure to stay in touch with your faculty advisor to discuss any proposed changes to your CSE 199H application.
- Do I need to submit my CSE Honors Written Thesis or presentation to CSE Student Affairs? Does my CSE Honors Project Written Thesis need to be published?
No, after your faculty advisor has reviewed the completion of your honors requirements and signed the “Completion Requirements” section of your CSE Honors Application, you are only required to return the completed CSE Honors Application to CSE Student Affairs. You do not need to attach your thesis paper or presentation materials to your completed application.
The CSE Honors Project written thesis paper does not need to be published anywhere to fulfill the Honors Application Completion Requirements. If you’re interested in learning more about the possibility of publishing your research, we recommend connecting with your faculty advisor to learn more about whether publishing your research paper is possible.
- On the CSE Honors Completion form, what does "degree audit completed" mean and what information should be entered in that text box?
The “Degree Audit Completed” Completed section of the CSE Honors Form refers to the quarter a student completes their major requirements and files for graduation.