IT: Who Does What?

Major computing support groups on campus and what general services they support:

CSE Computing Support (CSEHelp)

CSEHelp is the CSE department's IT, Infrastructure, and Facilities group. CSEHelp primarily provides support for staff, faculty and graduate students. If you are not sure who can help you, contact CSEHelp and we will point you in the right direction. The most common areas that CSEHelp can directly help with are:

  • General questions
  • Network support, including wired network connections within the CSE building, and campus ip address/hostname provisioning
  • Server room support
  • Manage loaner equipment fleet
  • License server management
  • Department web site oversight and quality control
  • Instructional support (quarterly class web site framework, etc.)
  • Consultation for research project and other equipment
  • Specification, purchasing and intake of custom specialized equipment.
  • Audio visual and conference room support
  • Special projects
  • Lab support for in-building computing labs (does not include the basement instructional labs)
  • Building and Lab access management
  • Obsolete equipment handling and disposal
  • Printing support
  • Event services
  • Building issues, including building modification, repair, keys, furniture, etc (the building's Facilities Manager is part of CSEhelp)
  • Building security infrastructure

Web site:

Office of Engineering Computing (OEC) at the Jacobs School of Engineering

OEC provides the administrative infrastructure used by faculty, staff and graduate students. The most common areas that OEC can directly help with are:

  • E-mail support (faculty/staff/grads/affiliates -- Undergraduate students should contact ITS)
  • Department mailing lists support
  • Calendar support
  • CSE server accounts (login and web services)
  • Department web site technical issues
  • Administrative staff workstation support

Web site:

Campus ITS (Information Technology Services)

Information Technology Services is UC San Diego's central IT organization, providing information technology services to support business systems, messaging and collaboration, information security, campus infrastructure, educational technology and researcher needs. Some of the common support areas are:

  • Campus Active Directory account
  • Undergraduate student E-mail
  • Computer lab support: CSE building labs B210 – B270 and computer labs across campus
  • Printing in labs and elsewhere on campus
  • Support for classrooms outside the CSE building
  • Instructional support for faculty and TAs
  • Support for the TritonEd learning management system
  • Problems with campus business systems
  • Wireless network problems
  • VPN problems

Phone: (858) 246-HELP (4357)
Customer Portal: