Spring 2025 Undergraduate Course Updates

 Updated: March 6th, 2025


Welcome to the Spring 2025 Updates page!

Here you will learn: Important Spring 2025 course information, how we manage the waitlists, enrollment priority information for CSE majors, when we are opening any available seats, and how non-CSE majors can request to enroll in CSE restricted courses. 

Due to the high demand for CSE courses, enrolling in CSE courses can be difficult and confusing. Please read the following page in detail. This page is subject to change periodically so we recommend checking our website and the Schedule of Classes for the most up to date information. 

The capacity in each course is determined by multiple variables (not just the classroom size), including but not limited to: 

  • Classroom size availability
  • Instructor availability 
  • Instructor teaching load
  • Instructional support availability (TA/tutor support) 
  • Scalability of the course

Important Notes: 

  1. Students will need to assume everything is in person and/or synchronous only unless stated otherwise in the "Notes" below for the course section. 

  2. Course components with the location listed as RCLAS on the Schedule of Classes/WebReg will be remote/online course components.

  3. Information about CSE 141 and CSE 141L: If you wish to bypass the CSE 140L requirement for this course, please submit an EASy Request.

  4. CSE instrcutors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment concerns. This includes questions pertaining to waitlists, late adds, general enrollment, major restrictions, and/or graduate requests. All enrollment questions need to be relayed in the VAC.


Current students may contact us via the Virtual Advising Center (vac.ucsd.edu) or csestudent@ucsd.edu. We are offering drop-in advising (all students) and advising appointments (current CSE majors only) which can be conducted via Zoom or in-person. To schedule an appointment, please email csestudent@ucsd.edu.

Our front Intake Office is typically open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 - 3:30 PM during the Spring Quarter. Please visit our Academic Advising page or Undergraduate Advising page for the most up to date information. 

Major Priority

CSE/EC26 Major Major Priority Deadline to waitlist: Sunday, March 9th at 11:59 PM - Current CSE and EC26 majors who want enrollment priority must waitlist their requested applicable courses by this date/time.

CSE majors are cleared in waitlist order as seats become available (only for courses/sections with reserved seats). This is NOT a guarantee for a requested course.

  • CSE will use first-come, first-served order of the waitlists. Depending on the demand for the course, continuing CSE and ECE CE undergraduate majors might be given clearance to add a course prior to other majors being allowed into the course if they waitlist by the CSE Major Priority Deadline listed above. Note that even for CSE/EC26 majors we use first-come, first-served order.

  • ***The course clearance process is not automatic, you will need to take action*** - CSE Majors waitlisted for lower-division core courses, CSE 100, CSE 101, and/or CSE 105 must follow the course clearance instructions sent to them via email on Monday, March 10th and take enrollment action by the deadline specified in the email.***

  • CSE Double Majors: If CSE is not your first major, you will not receive CSE Major Priority for courses with a waitlist that require manual clearance (i.e. seats reserved for CSE majors)

  • Read your @ucsd email DAILY. This is how we contact you to tell you if you were cleared to add a course with reserved seats. If you do not respond by the deadline, you will lose the seat!

  • Please refer to the 2024-2025 academic and administrative calendar for important enrollment dates and deadlines.

Priority: After major priority, all undergraduates have a priority to add undergraduate CSE courses; graduate students have priority to add graduate CSE courses. Priority is not given to:

  • Students who postpone taking a course hoping for a particular instructor in a future quarter.
  • Seniors (or others) who do not use their 1st and 2nd pass early-enrollment times.
  • Students who failed or withdrew from the course in a previous quarter.
Late Add Policy

No late adds - no exceptions.The CSE department does not allow students to add courses past week 2. If a student is not enrolled in enough units by the beginning of week 1, the student should contact their department advisors via the VAC.

EASy requests for Late Adds in the CSE Department will be denied, so please plan accordingly.   

If you are on the waitlist for a class, you are expected to attend class for the first two weeks and complete all assignments. NOTE: Attending class and completing course assignments does not guarantee enrollment. If students choose to miss class or not turn in assignments while on the waitlist, the student will receive a "0" on all missed assignments, if they secure a seat in the course off the waitlist. 

CSE instructors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment or late add concerns.

Waitlist Policy

Once all seats are released, students will only be added to courses with waitlists in waitlist order via the automatic waitlist enrollment process. The last waitlist add runs on Thursday of week 2. The CSE department will NOT manually clear any students to enroll even if space becomes available on the last day of enrollment (Friday of week 2). 

Non-CSE majors: If you are not able to enroll in your CSE courses in Spring 2025, you may need to enroll in a subsequent quarter.

CSE instructors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment or waitlist concerns.

Enrollment/Course Policies

Prerequisites: Enforced for ALL classes. View the Prerequisites for CSE Undergraduates page for information on all our prerequisites, in addition to transfer courses, course substitutions, and our Upper Division Prerequisite Policy.

Enrollment Strategies: See Enrolling in CSE Courses to learn the best strategies for getting into CSE classes.

EASy: For course clearances, please use the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). These may take 5 business days to be processed. 

Petitions: If you need to petition a course for transfer credit, please use our ONLINE PETITION to do so. Please view our CSE Petitions page for detailed information.

Swaps: No swaps - no exceptions.  Be sure to enroll or waitlist in the section with the assigned time you will attend and the assigned final exam you can attend. This includes R (remote) courses. If a student is waitlisted for a course and then enrolls in the R version (or vice versa) or a duplicate version of the course, the system will drop you from the waitlist or will not allow you to enroll because it recognizes you are already enrolled or waitlisted for the other course. 

We will not clear students to add to the course in these situations as the system moves on and automatically adds the next eligible student on the waitlist. 


We do not release names of instructors until their appointments are official with the University. Once official, instructor names are posted on the Schedule of Classes and WebReg. 

CSE instructors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment concerns.


Non-CSE Majors and Major Restricted Courses

For all courses with major priority, the remaining seats will be released in mid March after our CSE majors have had a chance to enroll. 

Non-CSE Undergraduates who want to enroll in CSE Major restricted courses should submit an enrollment request through Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)

Major restricted courses are indicated with an asterisk (*) below. Please see CSE Course Prerequisites webpage for information on which majors are approved for major restricted courses.  Requests from non-CSE major undergraduate students to be cleared to enroll in CSE major restricted courses will be placed on a "Department Hold" until after CSE Majors have had the opportunity to enroll. The requests may be reviewed between Wednesday, March 19th and the start of classes if there are seats available.

Clearance to enroll/waitlist a CSE undergraduate course with a large waitlist does NOT indicate we intend to offer additional seats. The courses and sections we intend to offer are listed in the Schedule of Classes. 

CSE instructors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment or major restriction concerns.


Non-CSE Courses

For questions about enrolling in ENG 100D or ENG 100L, please see Global Ties

Each department handles course clearances for their own courses. Please contact the respective department for course clearance to ECE, COGS, MGT, etc.

Graduate Students

Graduate students who wish to add undergraduate courses must submit a request through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). 

Prerequisite clearances and approvals to add will be reviewed by the end of week two of classes based on if there is seat availability after undergraduates enroll. The CSE department does not allow students to add courses past week 2. No late adds - no exceptions.

Requests to enroll will be reviewed after undergraduate students have had the chance to enroll, which is typically by the beginning of Week 2. Depending on the demand from undergraduate students, some courses will not be open to graduate students. Seats will only be given to graduate students based on availability after undergraduate students enroll.

Enrollment in undergraduate courses is not guaranteed. Please check your EASy request status history for the most up-to-date information.

CSE instructors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment concerns.

Graduate Course Request: Please see the Graduate Courses and Enrollment Information

Graduate Level CSE Courses

CSE Undergraduate Advising does not manage enrollment in graduate-level courses.

Undergraduate students who wish to add graduate courses must submit a request through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy).

Deadline for undergraduate students to submit their EASy request for graduate courses is Tuesday of Week 1. The CSE department does not allow students to add courses past week 2. No late adds - no exceptions.

Requests to enroll will be reviewed by the instructor after graduate students have had the chance to enroll, which is typically by the beginning of Week 2. Depending on the demand from graduate students, some courses will not be open to undergraduates. Seats will only be given to undergraduate students based on availability after graduate students enroll. 

Enrollment in graduate courses is not guaranteed. Please check your EASy request status history for the most up-to-date information.

CSE instructors are not directly involved with student enrollment, do not contact the course instructor regarding enrollment concerns.

Make sure to carefully review the Spring 2025 Graduate Course Updates page and direct any inquiries about graduate course enrollment to cse-grad-enrollment@ucsd.edu.

Max Unit Exceptions

When the college grants a max unit exception it is for the course requested, not the quarter. If a seat becomes available in the waitlisted class the system will bypass the student needing a max unit exception and add the next student on the waitlist to the course, which means that the student needing the max unit exception will not be added because the available seat will be taken.

If a student wants to be added off of the waitlist, they would need to be under the max unit limit (enrolled and waitlisted courses combined) so the system can bring them into the course if a seat opens up (in waitlist order of course).

We will not approve requests to enroll in CSE courses exceeding the max unit limit if there is a waitlist. Please plan accordingly. 

CSE 29/30 Update

We are introducing a course, CSE 29, and updating our current CSE 30.

What is CSE 29?

CSE 29: Systems Programming and Software Tools (4)
A programmer's view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. Emphasis on understanding the details of how a single computer program executes on a computer. Hands-on systems programming using the C programming language and software tools (e.g., gdb, valgrind, make) in the UNIX environment. Builds foundation for courses on computer organization, operating systems, networks, and compilers.

Why this change? These changes serve two purposes:

CSE 15L (2 units) and CSE 30 (4 units) attempt to introduce many concepts that are essential to systems-level foundations of Computer Science and Engineering. We have expanded this coverage from 6 to 8 units (by replacing CSE 15L with a 4 unit course, CSE 29) to align the required workload for this material with the credit students receive and to make space to introduce security and high performance computing concepts that are increasingly critical for computer scientists and engineers. The new CSE 29 course will replace CSE 15L and move some of the content from CSE 30. It will introduce C programming and continue teaching command line tools (e.g., gdb, make). CSE 29 will move fundamental systems-level topics (e.g., intro to operating systems, concurrency, socket programming) to lower division courses so that students are prepared for increased flexibility in the upper division

You can find how this impacts your CSE degree by viewing the corresponding CSE Undergraduate Degree Programs page.

If you have questions about how CSE 29 will impact your major requirements as a non-CSE major, please contact your respective major department

See the CSE Prerequisite page for updates on the requirements for the new courses.

Please refer to the CSE minor page to see how these changes affect the requirements for the minor.


The courses listed below are the courses/sections we intend to offer in Spring 2025. 

Major restricted courses are indicated with an asterisk (*) below.


Course Primary Instructor Section Code Capacity Prerequisites Notes
CSE6R: Intr/CompSci&Obj-Ori:Python Moshiri, Niema A00 149 A familiarity with high school-level algebra is expected, but this course assumes no prior programming knowledge.***Restricted to undergraduates.***A student may not receive credit for CSE 6R after receiving credit for CSE 8A, CSE 8B, CSE 11, or COGS 18. Students may receive credit for only one of the following: COGS 18, CSE 8A, or CSE 6R. All seats released for enrollment.
CSE8A: Intro to Programming 1 Porter, Leonard Emerson A00 295 No prior programming experience is assumed, but comfort using computers is helpful. Students should consult the CSE Course Placement Advice web page for assistance in choosing which CSE course to take first.***Restricted to undergraduates.***CSE 8A is part of a two-course sequence (CSE 8A-B) that is equivalent to CSE 11. Students should take CSE 8B to complete the CSE 8A/CSE 8B track. Students who have taken CSE 8B or CSE 11 may not take or receive credit for CSE 8A. Students may receive credit for one of the following: COGS 18, CSE 8A, or CSE 6R Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE11: Accel. Intro to Programming Ochoa, Benjamin Lawrence A00 395 Significant prior programming experience (for example, high school AP CSA). Students should consult the CSE Course Placement Advice webpage for assistance in choosing a first CSE course.
***Restricted to undergraduates.***Zero units of credit offered for CSE 11 if CSE 8B taken previously or concurrently.
Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE12: Basic Data Struct & OO Design Cao, Yingjun A00 180 CSE 8B or CSE 11***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE12: Basic Data Struct & OO Design Cao, Yingjun B00 180 CSE 8B or CSE 11***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE20: Discrete Mathematics Jones, Miles E A00 295 *CSE11 or CSE 6R or CSE 8A or CSE 8B or ECE 15*CSE 11 may be taken concurrently with CSE 20. AFTER enrolling in CSE 11, students should submit a Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) to be cleared to enroll in CSE 20. Students who have completed Math 109 may not receive credit for CSE 20. Credit not offered for both Math 15A and CSE 20. Equivalent to Math 15A. Students may take MATH 109 or MATH 31CH to meet the CSE 20 course prerequisite for CSE courses. EASy request may be required. Students may use MATH 109 or MATH 31CH towards CSE 20 CSE major/minor requirements, but MATH 109 or MATH 31CH must be taken for a letter grade and students need to submit a VAC request to manually move the course to cover the major /minor requiremen.*** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE21: Math/Algorithm&Systems Analys Jones, Miles E A00 295 CSE 20 or MATH 15A or MATH 31CH. Students who have completed MATH 154 or MATH 184 or MATH 188 previously or concurrently may not receive credit for CSE 21. ***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE29: Sys Prog and Software Tools Solares, Edwin A A00 192 CSE 8B or CSE 11 or ECE 15 Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE29: Sys Prog and Software Tools Soosai Raj, Adalbert Geral B00 192 CSE 8B or CSE 11 or ECE 15 Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE30: Computer Organization Chin, Bryan W. A00 250 CSE 15L or CSE 29 or ECE 15*** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE30: Computer Organization Chin, Bryan W. B00 192 CSE 15L or CSE 29 or ECE 15*** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE87: First-year Seminar Moshiri, Niema A00 20 None; Priority is given to incoming Freshmen and students who have not take CSE 87 in the past. If you taken CSE 87 in the past, please ensure this is not the same topic you have previously taken here.***Restricted to Freshman academic standing.*** All seats released for enrollment.
CSE89: Intro to CSE Seminar Minnes Kemp, Mor Mia A00 100 This course is to host CSE-PACE.***Department approval is required to ensure that students enrolled in the course are in the program*** PACE Application
CSE89: Intro to CSE Seminar Minnes Kemp, Mor Mia B00 100 This course is to host CSE-PACE.***Department approval is required to ensure that students enrolled in the course are in the program*** PACE Application
CSE95: Tutor Apprentice Cao, Yingjun A00 100 For those serving as CSE Tutors for the first time.***Department approval is required. If you are given a tutor position, you will be cleared to add to CSE 95.*** Undergraduate Tutor Apprentice Course
CSE100: Advanced Data Structures Sahoo, Debashis A00 395 (CSE 21 or MATH 154 or MATH 158 or MATH 184 or MATH 188) and (CSE12) and (CSE15L or CSE 29 or ECE 15)***Restricted to undergraduates.***Students may not receive credit for both CSE 100R and CSE 100. Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE101: Design & Analysis of Algorithm Impagliazzo, Russell A00 300 (CSE 21 or MATH 154 or MATH 158 or MATH 184 or MATH 188) and (CSE 12 or DSC 30)*** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
CSE105: Theory of Computation Lovett, Shachar A00 348 (CSE12) and (CSE 20 or MATH 109 or MATH 15A or MATH 31CH) and (CSE 21 or MATH 100A or MATH 103A or MATH 154 or MATH 158 or MATH 184 or MATH 188) Once initial seats are released, remaining seats are reserved for current CSE majors. Any remaining seats after major priority enrollment will be released mid-to end March.
*CSE107: Intro to Modern Cryptography Bellare, Mihir A00 96 (CSE 21 or MATH 154 or MATH 158 or MATH 184 or MATH 188) and (CSE 101) and (CSE 105)*** Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors. *** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE110: Software Engineering Powell, Thomas Allan A00 348 CSE 100 or CSE 100R**Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.**Sophomores who meet the course prerequisites may request course clearance through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE120: Operating Systems Principles Ousterhout, Amy A00 328 CSE 15L or CSE 29 and CSE 30 and CSE 100 and CSE 101*** Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS29, and EC26 majors *** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE124: Networked Services Porter, George M A00 196 (CSE 15L or CSE 29) and (CSE 101) and (CSE 110)*** Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.***Students may not receive credit for both CSE 124 and ECE 158B. May be co-scheduled with CSE 224. All seats released for enrollment.
CSE125: Software Sys Design & Implemnt Voelker, Geoffrey M. A00 30 Senior standing with substantial programming experience, and consent of instructor. Department approval required. CSE 125 Enrollment Application Procedure
*CSE127: Intro to Computer Security Fernandes, Earlence T A00 192 (CSE21 or MATH154 or MATH158 or MATH184 or MATH188) and (CSE120 or CSE123 or CSE124)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE130: Progrmng Lang:Princpl&Paradigm Polikarpova, Nadezhda A00 192 (CSE12) and (CSE100 or CSE100R) and (CSE105)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE131: Compiler Construction Ding, Yufei A00 50 (CSE30) and (CSE100 or CSE100R) and (CSE105) and (CSE130)May be co-scheduled with CSE 231.***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE140: Component&Desgn Tech/Digtl Sys Eldon, John A00 196 (CSE 20 or MATH 109 or MATH 15A or MATH 31CH) and (CSE 30)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE140L: Digital Systems Laboratory Eldon, John A00 196 (CSE 20 or MATH 109 or MATH 15A or MATH 31CH) and (CSE 30)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE141: Intro/Computer Architecture Pannuto, Patrick William A00 192 (CSE 30) and (CSE 140) and (CSE 140L)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.***Two units of credit offered for CSE 141 if CSE 142 taken previously.

To bypass the CSE 140L prerequisite, please submit an EASy request.

All seats released for enrollment.

*CSE141L: Project/Computer Architecture Eldon, John A00 196 (CSE 30) and (CSE 140) and (CSE 140L)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors***

To bypass the CSE 140L prerequisite, please submit an EASy request.

All seats released for enrollment.

CSE145: Embedded Systems Design Proj Kastner, Ryan Charles A00 25 Application required ***Not restricted to certain majors / restricted to junior/senior standing.***May be co-scheduled with CSE 237D CSE 145 Application Procedure
*CSE150A: AI: Probabilistic Models Bonjour, Trevor A00 196 (CSE 12 or DSC 40B) and (CSE 15L or CSE 29 or DSC 80) and (COGS 118D or CSE 103 or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MATH 180A or MATH 183) and (MATH 20A) and (MATH 18 or MATH 31AH)**Restricted to students with sophomore, junior or senior standing within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors.*****NOTE: Students who have taken CSE 150 with the same instructor will not receive credit/passing grade for taking CSE 150A. All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE150B: AI: Search and Reasoning Gao, Sicun A00 362 (CSE 12 or DSC 40B) and (CSE 15L or CSE 29 or DSC 80) and (COGS 118D or CSE 103 or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MATH 180A or MATH 183) and (CSE 100 or CSE 100R). No academic level restrictions.***Restricted to students with sophomore, junior or senior standing within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors.*****NOTE: Students who have taken CSE 150 with the same instructor will not receive credit/passing grade for taking CSE 150B. All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE151A: ML: Learning Algorithms Dasgupta, Sanjoy A00 325 (CSE 12 or DSC 40B) and (CSE 15L or CSE 29 or DSC 80) and (COGS 118D or CSE 103 or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MATH 181A or MATH 183) and (MATH 18 or MATH 31AH) and (MATH 20C or MATH 31BH)*** Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors.***Students may not receive credit for both CSE 151A and COGS 188. May be co-scheduled with CSE 251A All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE151B: Deep Learning Yu, Qi A00 192 (MATH20C or MATH31BH) and (BENG134 or COGS118D or CSE103 or ECE109 or ECON120A or MAE108 or MATH180A or MATH180B or MATH181A or MATH183 or MATH186 or SE125) and (COGS118A or COGS118B or COGS188 or CSE151A or ECE175A)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors.***Renumbered from CSE 154. Students may receive credit for one of the following: CSE 151B, CSE 154, or COGS 181. All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE152B: Intro to Comp Vision II Chandraker, Manmohan Krishna A00 70 CSE 152 or CSE 152A or CSE 166. Python programming experience recommended.**Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE153: Machine Learning for Music McAuley, Julian John A00 196 CSE12 or DSC40B) and (CSE15L or CSE29 or DSC80) and (BENG100 or BENG134 or COGS118D or CSE103 or ECE109 or ECON120A or MAE108 or MATH180A or MATH180B or MATH181A or MATH183 or MATH186)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, CS 29, EC26, and DS25 majors.***

TAG: Applications of Computing

All seats released for enrollment.

*CSE153R: Machine Learning for Music McAuley, Julian John A00 350 (CSE12 or DSC40B) and (CSE15L or CSE29 or DSC80) and (BENG100 or BENG134 or COGS118D or CSE103 or ECE109 or ECON120A or MAE108 or MATH180A or MATH180B or MATH181A or MATH183 or MATH186)***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, CS 29, EC26, and DS25 majors.******This course is a Distance Education (fully remote) course.***

TAG: Applications of Computing

All seats released for enrollment.

*CSE165: 3D User Interaction Weibel, Nadir A00 35 CSE 167. Program or material fees may apply. ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** All seats released for enrollment.
*CSE168: Computer Graphics II:Rendering Ramamoorthi, Ravi A00 50 CSE 167.***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors*** All seats released for enrollment.
CSE175: Entrepreneurship for Engineers Kumar, Rakesh A00 50 By application only. Instructor approval required to ensure sufficient project experience to be successful in the course. No credit offered for CSE 175 if ECE 150 taken previously or concurrently. Students who previously completed CSE 190 Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar will NOT be allowed to enroll or receive credit for CSE 175. CSE 175 Enrollment Application
**CSE182: Biological Databases Bafna, Vineet A00 49 CSE 100 or CSE 100R ***Restricted to Bioinformatics undergraduates. ***Students may receive credit for one of the following: CSE 182, BIMM 182 or BENG 182. All seats released for enrollment.
**CSE185: Advanced Bioinformatics Lab Moshiri, Niema A00 90 (CSE 11 or CSE 8B) and (CSE 12) and (MATH 20C or MATH 31BH) and (BILD 1) and (BIEB 123 or BILD 4 or BILD 70 or BIMM 101 or CHEM109)**Restricted to Bioinformatics undergraduates**Students may not receive credit for CSE 185 and BIMM 185. All seats released for enrollment.
CSE190: Top/Computer Sci & Engineering Grier, Daniel T A00 52 Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements. May be taken for credit up to three times. May be co-scheduled with CSE 291. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements.
CSE190: Top/Computer Sci & Engineering Soosai Raj, Adalbert Gerald B00 100 Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements. May be taken for credit up to three times. May be co-scheduled with CSE 291. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements.
CSE190: Top/Computer Sci & Engineering Prithviraj, Ammanabrolu C00 50 Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements. May be taken for credit up to three times. May be co-scheduled with CSE 291. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements.
CSE190: Top/Computer Sci & Engineering Stefan, Deian D00 50 Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements. May be taken for credit up to three times. May be co-scheduled with CSE 291. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements.
*CSE191: Semnr/Computer Sci & Engineer Minnes Kemp, Mor Mia A00 9999 Consent of instructor required. ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors*** Please see the CSE 191 web page to review specific course requirements.