Updated January 8th, 2025
CSE 190 is a topics of special interest in Computer Science and Engineering course typically offered every quarter. Topics may vary from quarter to quarter.
- Prerequisites: Vary per course/per instructor. Department approval required. Select appropriate academic year below for details.
- Units: 4
- Grading: Must be taken for a letter grade
- Policy:
- CSE 190 may be repeated for credit a maximum of 3 times (maximum of 12 units; assuming courses taken for a different topic)
- A maximum of one CSE 190 may be enrolled/waitlisted per quarter
- Per Academic Regulation 500(F)(3), "a student may receive a maximum of one W per course." Please keep this in mind when adding or dropping CSE 190 Topics courses.
NOTE: As of Fall 2023, all CSE 190 courses will be labeled with a corresponding "Tag(s)" (Systems, Theory/Abstraction, and/or Applications of Computing). Students will need to reach out to the CSE advisors via the VAC to add their CSE 190 course to the correct tag.
- CSE 190 offerings before Fall 2023 are untagged but may be used as an Open CSE Elective for Computer Science majors who have changed to the FA23 CS26 curriculum
For section-specific course information, please select the academic year below:
AY 2024-2025 (current)
AY 2023-2024 (for historical reference only)
AY 2022-2023 (for historical reference only)
AY 2021-2022 (for historical reference only)
AY 2020-2021 (for historical reference only)
AY 2019-2020 (for historical reference only)
AY 2018-2019 (for historical reference only)
AY 2017-2018 (for historical reference only)
AY 2016-2017 (for historical reference only)
Prior to AY 2015-2016 (for historical reference only)