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Ph.D. candidate Stefan Schneider tackles exponential vs. polynomial time in dissertation.

Jun 19, 2017
Fine-Grained Connections between Exponential and Polynomial Time

CSE Ph.D. candidate Stefan Schneider is preparing for his upcoming Final Defense of his dissertation on "Fine-Grained Connections between Exponential and Polynomial Time."  On July 3, Schneider will face a committee chaired by his advisor Mohan Paturi, other CSE professors Sanjoy Dasgupta, Russell...Read More

Ph.D. candidate Zhanglong Ji prepares for his final dissertation defense on June 23.

Jun 19, 2017
Doctoral Candidate Defends Thesis on Learning Information from Data While Preserving Differential Privacy

CSE Ph.D. candidate Zhanglong Ji (M.S. '13) -- whose research interests include data privacy, machine learning, statistics and data mining -- is scheduled to defend his doctoral dissertation this Friday. The topic: "Learning Information from Data while Preserving Differential Privacy." The panel...Read More


Jun 13, 2017
CSE Announces Two Faculty Hires (with More to Come)

2017 is shaping up to be another banner year for hiring faculty in one of the fastest-growing departments on the campus of the University of California San Diego. Professor Dean Tullsen, Chair of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department, announced the first two hires of the faculty...Read More

"Sandma" is a dungeon and party game, one of five produced by students in CSE 125.

Jun 12, 2017
After 10 Weeks, CSE Students Demonstrate 3D, Networked Multiplayer Games

CSE professor Geoffrey M. Voelker teaches CSE 125 each spring. The course on "Software System Design and Implementation" gave 32 seniors an opportunity to showcase everything they learned in the past four years. Nominally, the course is a 10-week project to build a large, complex, distributed...Read More

CSE Ph.D. students do dry runs of upcoming presentations at VLDB 2017.

Jun 12, 2017
First Authors of Accepted VLDB 2017 Papers Give 'Dry Run' Presentations to Data Base Seminar

43rd International Conference on  Very Large Data Bases will run  August 28 through September 1 at TU Munich in Germany.As we reported last week, CSE professors and students played an important role at ACM SIGMOD 2017. It's considered one of the two premier venues for data management researchers...Read More

Members of HackXX winning team get pointers from VR Club president and mentor.

Jun 12, 2017
Hackathon Offers Welcoming Environment for Women in Computer Science

In early June, UC San Diego staged a hackathon, HackXX, for young women, most of them students in computer science or computer engineering at UC San Diego. According to organizers, only 20 percent of hackathon participants are women, and they wanted "to build a welcoming environment to encourage...Read More

Students learn programming and other skills with ThoughtSTEM.

Jun 10, 2017
Helping Kids Explore Computer Science and STEM Technologies

Here's another deadline: June 12.  That's the cutoff date to apply for a scholarship for young women, ages between 7 and 17, to to participate free of charge in one of the Summer Coding Camps for Kids at UC San Diego, organized by ThoughtSTEM. The company was launched by CSE alumni Stephen Foster (...Read More

CSE graduating senior Ryan Hill to accept a Student of the Year Award.

Jun 9, 2017
CSE Students, Faculty to Be Honored at Jacobs School Ring Ceremony

Student of the Year Ryan Hill (B.S. '17)Jacobs School of Engineering Dean Albert P. Pisano will host the annual Ring Ceremony and hand out the school's 2017 Annual Awards to student and faculty winners in multiple categories on Saturday, June 17 from 8-10pm on Warren Mall. CSE personnel are among...Read More

Ph.D. candidate Tariq Iqbal with robot used in his research.

Jun 9, 2017
Ph.D. Candidate Defends Thesis on Coordinating Dynamics in Human-Robot Teams

Tariq Iqbal with robotIt's a long way from his native Bangladesh to La Jolla, California, where Ph.D. candidate Tariq Iqbal mounted the final defense of his dissertation in the field of robotics on June 8. Iqbal followed his advisor, professor Laurel Riek, from the University of Notre Dame to UC...Read More

Logo for the Arduino industry

Jun 6, 2017
Arduino Workshops Open to Campus Community

Attention staff, faculty and students in the Computer Science and Engineering department: all are welcome to join one or two Arduino two-hour workshops being held on campus this week. Date: Thursday, June 8, 2017Time: 2pm - 8pmLocation: Qualcomm Conference Center, Jacobs Hall, UC San Diego...Read More