Dec 20, 2016
KC Claffy among “10 Women to Know in Networking/Communications”
CSE adjunct professor KC Claffy, principal investigator and founding director of the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), has been named to the second annual “10 Women in Networking/Communications That You Should Know” list. KC Claffy is...Read More

Dec 8, 2016
UC San Diego Computer Scientist Honored as ACM Fellow
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s leading computing society, today named University of California San Diego professor Rajesh K. Gupta to be an ACM Fellow. The professor of Computer Science and Engineering is one of 53 ACM members elevated to fellow status. Gupta was cited...Read More

Dec 7, 2016
CSE Holiday Party in Pictures
It was standing room only when the Computer Science and Engineering department held its annual winter holiday party on Dec. 3. Well over 200 people showed up for the skits put on by graduate students, staff, and a few faculty members. Some visual highlights of the festivities: CSE Holiday Party...Read More

Dec 6, 2016
Staff Member Aims for Seven Marathons on Seven Continents in 12 Months
CSE fund manager Cheryl Hile continues to make a splash with her ambitious effort to become the first patient with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to run seven marathons on seven continents in a single year. Next week, on December 11, Hile and husband Brian will be in Hawaii to run the Honolulu Marathon....Read More

Dec 6, 2016
CSE Alumna Proves It Takes Smarts to Write Computer Science Books 'For Dummies'
University of California San Diego alumna Sarah Guthals (BS ’10, MS ’12, Ph.D. ’14) completed all of her degrees in Computer Science, and as a student, she co-founded the educational computer-science startup ThoughtSTEM, and developed education games to help students learn the basics of programming...Read More

Dec 6, 2016
CSE Student Featured in #ILookLikeAnEngineer Jacobs School Series
In case you've missed the engaging series of interviews involving engineering and computer science students under the hashtag #ILookLikeAnEngineer, one of the latest undergraduates highlighted in the series is Akanksha Kevalramani (pictured). The sophomore (Class of '18) majoring in Computer...Read More

Dec 5, 2016
CSE to Host Free Coding Faire for Kids
Alumni Startup Organizes Event for Computer Science Education Week Volunteer tutors work with elementary student during the 2014 Coding Faire organized by ThoughtSTEM.A heads-up for alumni, staff and faculty of the University of California San Diego and other San Diegans with young kids: the...Read More

Nov 30, 2016
UC San Diego Computer Scientist Elevated to IEEE Fellow
Not all computer scientists are likely to qualify to become a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s leading professional association for advancing technology for humanity. Now, among three University of California San Diego faculty named IEEE Fellows in...Read More

Nov 29, 2016
CSE Professor Among Five New AAAS Fellows from UC San Diego
CSE Professor Larry Smarr is one of five faculty from the University of California San Diego awarded the distinction of fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Smarr, who is also director of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology...Read More

Nov 29, 2016
Ph.D. Candidate Mounts Successful Dissertation Defense
On November 29, Ph.D. candidate Olivia Simpson faced her advisor and other members of her dissertation committee for the final defense of her doctorate in Computer Science. She debriefed the committee and took questions on the subject of her dissertation: "Local and Distributed Computation for...Read More