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September 11, 2017 SBIR Road Tour comes to San Diego, hosted by UC San Diego OIC and BIOCOM.

Jul 12, 2017
Opportunity for UC San Diego Researchers to Collaborate with Small Business to Win Federal Funding

In September, San Diego will be one of the stops for a national outreach effort undertaken by federal agencies to make small businesses more aware of the funding opportunities for which they may be eligible. The industry group BIOCOM and UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization will...Read More

15 CSE Ph.D. graduates from CNS labs finish out their final 2016-2017 academic year.

Jul 7, 2017
CSE Graduate Students in Center for Networked Systems End Academic Year with Ph.D. Degrees and New Jobs

As of early July, 15 Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Ph.D. candidates affiliated with the Center for Networked Systems (CNS) have graduated or are expected to graduate in the academic year from October 2016 through September 2017. Unlike last year, when half the Ph.D. graduates went to work...Read More

Grad students Ariana Mirian and Stephanie Chen receive CNS Travel Grants to Grace Hopper Celebration.

Jul 5, 2017
Research Center Awards Travel Grants to Two Graduate Students in Computer Science

For female students in particular, attending the annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing can be a critical launching pad for careers in computer science in either academia or private industry. For that reason, UC San Diego's Center for Networked Systems (CNS) provides funding each...Read More

CSE alumnus Pavan Kumar is CTO of Cocoon Cam, which just raised $4MN in Series A funding from investors.

Jun 29, 2017
High-Tech Baby Monitor Company Cofounded by Alumnus Raises $4MN

Cocoon Cam, a computer-vision-based baby monitor company co-founded by CSE alumnus Pavan Kumar (M.S. Computer Science '15), recently announced that it closed a $4 million Series A funding round. Cocoon Cam makes baby monitors that rely on computer vision technologies to track breathing and other...Read More

Soon-to-be CSE alumnus Tianyin Xu expects to complete his Ph.D. in August.

Jun 28, 2017
CSE Ph.D. Candidate Accepts Tenure-Track Faculty Position at University of Illinois

When he graduated from China’s Nanjing University, Tianyin Xu was turned down by 24 graduate schools in the United States. The following year he applied and was accepted into the Ph.D. program at the University of California San Diego. Now, almost six years later, Xu is finishing his Ph.D. this...Read More

CSE Ph.D. candidate Panagiotis Vekris defends his dissertation on July 7.

Jun 26, 2017
Ph.D. Candidate Defends Dissertation on Precise Type Checking for JavaScript

CSE Ph.D. candidate Panagiotis Vekris (M.S. '14) has spent nearly six years doing graduate research on programming languages, program analysis, as well as verification and type systems. Now he is preparing for the final defense of his dissertation on "Precise Type Checking for JavaScript." It's...Read More

CSE professor Rajesh Gupta welcomes partnership with Tech San Diego.

Jun 23, 2017
CSE Professor Welcomes New Partnership with Tech San Diego

There's a new office in San Diego to help find more interns and full-time employees for technology companies from among students in college or getting ready to graduate. The non-profit organization Tech San Diego announced June 22 that it is boosting regional talent efforts by hiring a director for...Read More

CSE Prof. Shachar Lovett is eliciting topics for UC San Diego's next Theory workshop in January 2018.

Jun 22, 2017
CSE Searching for Important Trend in Theory for January Event at UC San Diego

CSE Prof. Shachar Lovett is eliciting recommendations for a topical subject on which to organize a workshop or winter school to be held in January 2018. Since 2014 Lovett has organized an annual meeting for the Theory community in CSE and beyond. The first workshop focused on complexity and coding...Read More

VR app Lightsaber Training gives players opportunity to train like a Jedi.

Jun 22, 2017
Student Teams Develop Virtual Reality Programs to Showcase VR Technology Devices

Elegant Japanese dojo is the setting of the cooperative game "Fruit Samurai VR" as players toss fruit for another player to slice with a katana sword (for points).For their final projects of the quarter, students in CSE Adjunct Professor Jurgen Schulze's Virtual Reality Technology (CSE 190) course...Read More

Three of six CSE alumni who attended DATE 2017 in March; all are now tenured faculty at major universities

Jun 21, 2017
At a Glance, CSE Ph.D. Alumni Have Impressive Presence at International Conference

It's a picture worth the proverbial thousand words, but we'll try to tell the story in fewer (words). In late March, researchers from around the world converged on Lausanne, Switzerland, for Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), the leading European event for electronic system design and...Read More