New Graduate Course in Automated Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence

Aug 11, 2017
CSE professor Sicun Gao launches new course this fall in Automated Reasoning in AI.
CSE professor Sicun Gao

This fall CSE professor Sicun Gao -- who joined the faculty July 1 from a postdoctoral position in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) -- is launching a new CSE 291 course on "Automated Reasoning in AI." 

"It will be an introduction to reasoning-based methods in AI, and practical combinatorial search methods for NP-complete problems in general," noted Gao in the announcement. "Students are encouraged to use the AI methods and tools to solve problems in their own respective research areas." 

The first half of the course will focus on SAT solving. The course will guide students to build their own SAT solvers from scratch. The second half will survey more general combinatorial search and constraint-solving methods, some theory, and applications in AI and other areas. 

The course does not require any prior knowledge in logic or AI. 

CSE 291 Course Website