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An active prompt to update a user's SSO password

Feb 1, 2024
How to Run a Password Update Campaign Efficiently and With Minimal IT Costs

A team of computer scientists at the University of California San Diego partnered with the campus’ Information Technology Services to analyze the messaging for a campuswide mandatory password change impacting almost 10,000 faculty and staff members....Read More

CSE faculty members Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Stefan Savage and Kristen Vaccaro are among the inaugural winners of the Google Trust & Safety Research Award

Jan 31, 2024
CSE Faculty Are Among Google’s First Trust & Safety Research Award Winners

Three faculty members from UC San Diego’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) are among the inaugural group of 15 academic researchers worldwide to receive Google’s Trust & Safety Research Award. Associate Professor Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Professor Stefan Savage, and...Read More

An example VR scene for an office with building hardware mapped as mixed reality objects that can be interacted with.

Jan 31, 2024
Bringing Together Real-world Sensors and VR to Improve Building Maintenance

A new system that brings together real-world sensing and virtual reality would make it easier for building maintenance personnel to identify and fix issues in commercial buildings that are in operation. The system was developed by computer scientists at the University of California San Diego and...Read More

Tajana Šimunić-Rosing, with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Jacobs School of Engineering, talks at the first-annual review of the PRISM center.

Jan 25, 2024
PRISM Center Shines at Its First Annual Review

The new Processing with Intelligent Storage and Memory center, or PRISM, was awarded its second-year funding recently during a successful annual review by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC). The $50.5 million center, led by UC San Diego computer science professor Tajana Šimunić-Rosing,...Read More

CSE's newest CAREER Award Winners Jingbo Shang and Hao Su

Jan 16, 2024
Two Join CSE’s Expanding List of NSF CAREER Award Recipients

Two UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) faculty members – Assistant Professor Jingbo Shang and Associate Professor Hao Su – were recognized with the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award. They join nearly 50 CSE recipients, a list that...Read More

New CSE Assistant Professor Qipeng Liu

Jan 16, 2024
CSE’s Qipeng Liu Is Redefining Cryptography with Quantum Computing

Cryptography is as ancient as hieroglyphics. Forever evolving from these rudimentary origins, the process of hiding or coding private information has grown increasingly complex – think World War II ciphers, early computers, and today’s quantum computers. This latest frontier, quantum computing, is...Read More

Computer science teaching professor Leo Porter teaching the foundational course, “Introduction to Programming and Computational Problem Solving 1” that incorporates LLMs.

Dec 7, 2023
In This Era of AI, Will Everyone Be a Programmer?

ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs) are viewed by many as a threat to the field of computer science education because they’re able to produce code on command. But for Leo Porter, a teaching professor at University of California San Diego, these are tools that might actually help bring...Read More

CSE's highly cited Rob Knight and Pavel Pevzner

Dec 7, 2023
CSE Researchers Named Again Among the World’s Most Influential in Their Fields

For the second year in a row, CSE researchers Rob Knight and Pavel Pevzner at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering were named among the world’s most influential in their fields in this year’s Clarivate listing of Most Highly Cited Researchers in the World. These scientists rank in the top...Read More

A variety of student robotics projects were on display at the UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute's forum, such as this remote-controlled car. Photos by Alex Matthews/Qualcomm Institute

Nov 20, 2023
Exploring the Diverse Applications of Robotics Beyond the Lab

From the operating room to our homes and streets, robots are becoming increasingly integral to our daily activities. On Nov. 14, 2023 the UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute hosted its eighth annual forum, bringing together robotics experts from industry and academia to discuss cutting-edge...Read More

Students show-off their summer internships

Nov 16, 2023
Celebrating 10 Years of Stellar Student Interns

By Kimberley Clementi The Computer Science and Engineering department hosted its tenth annual Summer Internship Symposium in October to celebrate the department’s robust internship program and highlight student achievements during their summer engineering internships. “These internships provide...Read More