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CSE professors Earlence Fernandes and Amy Ousterhout

Jun 27, 2024
Two CSE Faculty Members Receive Google Research Scholar Awards

Two faculty members from University of California San Diego’s Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department are among the newest cohort of academic researchers to receive Google Research Scholar awards.  Assistant professors Earlence Fernandes and Amy Ousterhout were two of 70 early-career...Read More

Team Fallen Star

Jun 26, 2024
Another Meteoric Rise for “Fallen Star” Team in Global Programming Competition

UC San Diego’s competitive student programming team, Fallen Star, is set to compete in the prestigious International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals in Astana, Kazakhstan this September. The team will travel more than 6,500 miles to match wits with the best and brightest problem-...Read More


Jun 24, 2024
Meet CARMEN, a Robot That Helps People with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Meet CARMEN, short for Cognitively Assistive Robot for Motivation and Neurorehabilitation–a small, tabletop robot designed to help people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) learn skills to improve memory, attention, and executive functioning at home. ...Read More


May 22, 2024
UC San Diego Computer and Data Scientists Named to ACM’s Latest Class of Fellows

UC San DIego bioinformatics researcher Vineet Bafna and machine learning and data analysis researcher Mikhail Belkin are among the 68 scientists worldwide named as Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) fellows....Read More

Computer Science Professor Dean Tullsen

May 21, 2024
ASPLOS Best Paper Win for Technique to Improve Computer Processing

University of California San Diego professor Dean Tullsen and alumnus Sankara Prasad Ramesh (MS ’23) of the Jacobs School of Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering are working to untangle a complex bottleneck impacting modern high-performance processors. They are part of a team...Read More

CSE'2024 Amazon Research Award recipients

May 21, 2024
Three CSE Faculty Named 2024 Amazon Research Award Recipients

Three faculty members from University of California San Diego’s Computer Science and Engineering Department are among the latest Amazon Research Award recipients. Associate Professors Yufei Ding, Sicun Gao and Nadia Heninger are part of a 98-member cohort, representing 51 universities in 15...Read More


May 14, 2024
Fan Chung Elected to Prestigious National Academy of Sciences

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Fan Chung is among the five researchers from UC San Diego to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences. ...Read More

Barna Saha

May 2, 2024
Barna Saha Celebrated as Harry E. Gruber Endowed Chair at UC San Diego

Barna Saha, a computer scientist at University of California San Diego who spearheads a new $10 million multi-university research institute to tackle problems in theoretical foundations of data science, will be honored as the Harry E. Gruber Professor of Computer Science and Information...Read More

Bird images from the project ""Data Redaction from Conditional Generative Models"

May 2, 2024
Fighting AI Fire with ML Firepower

(Image descrption: First row shows a bird generated by a pretrained model compared to a bird generated with the same prompt after applying the reserachers' method to redact the concept of long beak. Second row shows a bird generated by the pretrained model compared to a bird generated with the same...Read More


Apr 26, 2024
Computer Scientists Unveil Novel Attacks on Cybersecurity

Researchers have found two novel types of attacks that target the conditional branch predictor found in high-end Intel processors, which could be exploited to compromise billions of processors currently in use. ...Read More