CSE 190 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering
Units: 4
Course Description: Topics of special interest in Computer Science and Engineering. Topics may vary from quarter to quarter.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Department stamp required.
Offered: Every quarter as staffing allows
- May be repeated for credit max 3 times (maximum of 12 units; assuming courses taken for a different topic)
- A maximum of ONE CSE 190 may enrolled/waitlisted per quarter
- For sections where enrollment is via EASy clearance, non-CSE majors will be cleared after the CSE Major Priority deadline
Summer Session 2020
CSE 190 A00 (Session 1 and 2): Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar
To enroll: Application required
Summer Session 1 Application - Closed
Summer Session 2 Application - Closed
Description: The major objects of this course are to:
Encourage and Coach students to think like and become successful entrepreneurs,
Describe major reasons why Microsystem start-ups typically are not successful, and
Educate them to the breadth of methodologies for success in getting their innovative Microsystem ideas to the marketplace.
Experienced guest lectures will be invited to share their success stories and lessons learned. In addition to reading assignments, students will have the opportunity to bring forward their own innovative ideas in teams of 3-5 students, and will be required to develop a first pass business plan for a start-up company as a team project. The learnings from this course will also benefit students that choose to work as intrapreneurs within larger organizations.
CSE 190 B00 (Session 1): Machine Learning for Music and Audio with Shlomo Dubnov
Prerequisite: MATH 18 AND MATH 20B AND (CSE 103 or ECON 120A or MATH 183 or ECE 109 or MATH 180A or MATH 181A) or instructor approval. Programming ability in Python required. Musical skills are not required but would be an advantage.
To enroll: Submit course clearance request via Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)
Description: The course covers issues of Machine Learning dealing with music and audio signals, including basic concepts in digital signal processing, MIDI, audio representation, analysis and feature extraction and temporal models including Markov and generative neural networks with applications for automatic music generation and sound synthesis. Students will be expected to complete a project in small groups and present a paper. Students of all backgrounds are welcome and musical skills are not required but would be an advantage.
Spring 2020
CSE 190 A00: Web App Performance and Monitoring with Thomas Powell
Prerequisite: CSE 134B or CSE 135 or relevant Web development knowledge/experience with instructor approval (instructor approval received via EASy, must provide justification and supporting documentation)
To enroll: Submit course clearance request via Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)
Description: The direct relationship between performance and success online is well known. For example, Amazon has reported that a mere 100ms difference in delivery speed can reduce cumulative sales noticeably. Other large data aware organizations such as Facebook, Google and numerous others have reported similar catastrophic effects when performance is not well considered. Unfortunately, many developers are not aware of how their development practices affect performance, this survey course aims to help educate students on the techniques to improve application delivery and how to properly monitor deployed applications from a user performance point of view. UI theory and network constraints will guide the application of best practices which will be demonstrated both by passive evaluations as well as measured improvements applied to existing sites and applications.
Course delivery: Completely remote course
CSE 190 B00: Virtual Reality Technology with Jurgen Schulze
Prerequisite: CSE 167
To enroll: Submit course clearance request via Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)
Description: Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been
capturing people’s imagination for decades, but only in recent years
has it been possible to build head mounted displays inexpensive enough
for the consumer market. This course aims to explain how VR and AR
technology works, and the class is going to do various programming
projects to better understand the potential and limitations of VR and
AR technology.
The course is structured into the following parts:
- An overview of the state-of-the-art VR and AR technologies and research trends will be given.
- The fundamental physics of 3D displays will be covered, including the major 3D depth cues.
- The most common display types such as LCDs and OLEDs will be introduced, in terms of display materials, device structures, working principles, and research trends.
- We will look at various ways to create stereographics images.
- We will cover how the human eye sees 3D images: this includes monoscopic and stereoscopic depth cues, motion parallax, and the physiology of the eye itself.
- Immersive VR systems will be discussed, from head-mounted displays to walk-in CAVE systems, as well as everything in-between.
- Challenges with today’s consumer-level VR and AR systems will be discussed.
- VR and AR software driver components will be explained and implemented in C++ with OpenGL.
- Programming projects in C++ with OpenGL and the Oculus Rift will solidify the understanding of how VR works.
Course delivery: Completely remote course BUT students will need to have a smartphone and an inexpensive VR viewer
CSE 190 C00: Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar
To enroll: Application required
Application Timelines: 1st deadline/review - February 28th; 2nd deadline/review - March 13th
Description: The major objects of this course are to:
Encourage and Coach students to think like and become successful entrepreneurs,
Describe major reasons why Microsystem start-ups typically are not successful, and
Educate them to the breadth of methodologies for success in getting their innovative Microsystem ideas to the marketplace.
Experienced guest lectures will be invited to share their success stories and lessons learned. In addition to reading assignments, students will have the opportunity to bring forward their own innovative ideas in teams of 3-5 students, and will be required to develop a first pass business plan for a start-up company as a team project. The learnings from this course will also benefit students that choose to work as intrapreneurs within larger organizations.
Course delivery: Course content will be delivered remotely, BUT on-campus small group/team meetings will be encouraged.
CSE 190 D00: Hardware Algorithmics with Alex Orailoglu
Prerequisite: CSE 140, CSE 140L, CSE 101, 3.0 Overall GPA
To enroll: Submit course clearance request via Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)
Description: The course will cover fundamental algorithms in Hardware design, ranging from Logic Synthesis, High Level Synthesis, Control machine design, Physical design and VLSI Test.
Course delivery: Completely remote course
Winter 2020
CSE 190 A00: Hardware Algorithmics with Professor Alex Orailoglu
Prerequisite: CSE 140, CSE 140L, CSE 101, 3.0 Overall GPA
To enroll: Submit Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) request
Description: The course will cover fundamental algorithms in Hardware design, ranging from Logic Synthesis, High-Level Synthesis, Control machine design, Physical design and VLSI Test.
CSE 190 B00: Human-centered Computing for Health (HC4H) with Professor Weibel:
Prerequisite: Graduating senior and deep interest in research around technology and healthcare, and to have some experience in healthcare, technology or both.
To enroll: Submit Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) request - in the Justification section must explain why you are interested in research around technology and healthcare, and your experience in healthcare, technology or both. Instructor will review for approval.
Description: HC4H an interdisciplinary course that bring together students from CSE, ECE, CogSci, DBMI, Medicine, Public Health and others, and exposes them to designing technology for health and healthcare.
The course is focused on studying how technology is currently used in healthcare and identify opportunities for novel technology to be developed for specific health and healthcare settings.
Throughout the course, students will be engaging in dedicated visits to hospital facilities, such as emergency rooms, trauma rooms, operating rooms, outpatient medical offices, medical students teaching facilities, measurement centers, sleep clinics, and technology-centered health companies. In the first part of the year, students will approach the field by first studying regulations, ethics, and human protection, followed by engagement with clinicians expert in specific aspects of healthcare, to understand how to design solutions using novel interactive technologies. The second part of the year will focus on a design group project that will capitalize on their visits and discussions within the healthcare environment, to propose specific technological solutions and present them to the healthcare stakeholders.
Successful students in this class often follow up on their design projects with an actual development of a HC4H project and its deployment within the healthcare setting in the Spring quarter and beyond.
CSE 190 D00: Wireless Embedded Systems with Professor Aaron Schulman
Prerequisite: CSE30 (CSE120 recommended)
To enroll: Submit Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) request
Description: Wireless embedded systems bridge our physical world with powerful digital control systems and cloud data analytics. Applications range from medical devices such as Bluetooth-enabled blood glucose meters, to payment systems such as Near-Field Communication-based credit cards. In this class, students will learn about how an embedded system works from the ground up. The lectures will focus on the key enabling components of embedded systems, including: Clocks, GPIO, Interrupts, Busses, Amplifiers, Regulators, Power supplies, ADC/DAC, DMA, Storage, and Wireless communication. The goal of the class is to familiarize the students with these components so that they feel comfortable working on a team that is building a device that incorporates a wireless embedded system.
CSE 190 E00: Quantum Computation with Mohan Paturi and Russell Impagliazzo
Prerequisites: MATH 18 and (CSE 101 or CSE 105), or permission of the instructor
To enroll: Submit Enrollment Authorization System (EASy)
Computational devices that utilize the power of quantum interference to solve problems more efficiently than classical computers are now migrating from theory into actuality. This course will give students exposure to quantum circuits and related models of computation, and explore algorithmic applications of quantum computation, such as Grover's search algorithm and Shor's factoring and discrete logarithms paper. Then students will independently present more advanced topics.
The first five weeks of the course will be devoted to the basic tools and concepts of quantum information and computation. The remainder of the course will be student presentations. Students are encouraged to, in parallel, attend talks and meet with visiting researchers in the field.