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Tribute to Paul Kube

Jun 11, 2015
Paul Kube Honored as Computer Science Educator

Endowed Chair Created in Kube's Name at UC San Diego Jennifer Lu took four computer science courses with Lecturer Emeritus Paul Kube at the University of California, San Diego. She clearly remembers her first computer science class on campus. It came after a less-than-positive computer science...Read More

Ravi Ramamoorthi

Jun 11, 2015
UC San Diego Launches edX Channel; Computer Graphics Course Announced

Campus Also Appoints Head of New Online Learning Office The recently-launched CSE-based Center for Visual Computing, or VisComp, at UC San Diego, confirmed that its first course on the edX learning platform will be taught by the center’s director, computer science professor Ravi Ramamoorthi. The...Read More

Sorin Lerner and Pingfan Meng

Jun 8, 2015
Inauguration of CSE Awards and End-of-Year BBQ

On Friday June 5, the CSE department awarded its inaugural Graduate and Undergraduate Awards. The award ceremony took place in the Calit2 Auditorium of Atkinson Hall. The awards came in four categories: Research, Teaching, Service and Contributions to Diversity. Nominations were sought earlier in...Read More

CSE Team at 2015 Triton5k

Jun 8, 2015
CSE Team Triumphs (Sort of) in Triton 5K

On Saturday, June 6, the Triton 5K race got underway under mostly blue skies, and the CSE team took home a decisive victory in one category. They weren't the fastest on the course, but CSE's Team Race Condition received the award for entering the biggest team in the contest. With 141 people...Read More

Serge Belongie

Jun 4, 2015
Ex-CSE Faculty, Alumni Unveil Computer Vision Success Story with UCSD Roots

Former CSE students and faculty are making headlines with a computer vision system that had it roots in a research project at UC San Diego. At that time, the Visipedia project was a joint venture between then-CSE Prof. Serge Belongie's lab and the Computer Vision Lab of Pietro Perona at Caltech....Read More

John Chou

Jun 4, 2015
CSE-Based Startup Shares in $20,000 Zahn Prizes for 2015

Computer science major John Chou (at left) is slated to graduate next month, and he is one of the seven students on hand to accept 2015 Zahnn Prizes. The awards are organized by the Moxie Center for Student Entrepreneurship and held in The Basement facility for student startups, with competing...Read More

Pasquale and Voelker

Jun 3, 2015
Engineering Honor Society Honors CSE Faculty

Among all the honors being handed out at this time of year, the best teaching awards are important indicators of how students perceive faculty members. This year, the UCSD chapter of the engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi (TBP) couldn't decide on a single professor for the honor, so TBP decided...Read More

Gerald, Yannis and Ilam

Jun 3, 2015
CSE Professor Collaborates with Couchbase on Next-Generation Query Language for Big Data

In a major step toward broader adoption of document-oriented data and the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data format, University of California, San Diego computer science and engineering professor Yannis Papakonstantinou and Couchbase Inc., today announced their collaboration on a next-...Read More

Tim Armandpour

Jun 2, 2015
Alumnus Hangs a Hiring Sign at Bay Area Company

CSE alumnus Tim Armandpour (BS '99) is now VP of Engineering at the Bay Area-based PagerDuty, according to an announcement from the company this week. The announcement said that Armandpour will be responsible for driving product development and scaling the engineering team of the company. The...Read More

Alan Turning

Jun 1, 2015
UC San Diego Center for Networked Systems Launches LGBT Scholarship

To encourage a more diverse community in computer science education and research, the Center for Networked Systems (CNS) at the University of California, San Diego is establishing the Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship in partnership with private donors. The scholarship will be awarded annually to an...Read More