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Atieh Lofti

Jul 27, 2016
Accelerating Design Times for High-Performance Systems-on-Chip

A team of computer scientists and electrical engineers from four U.S. universities have been awarded a joint project with nearly $5 million in funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Led by University of California San Diego computer-engineering professor Rajesh Gupta,...Read More

Dan Goldin

Jul 26, 2016
KnuEdge, UC San Diego Host Conference, Competition to Drive Next-Gen Machine Learning Performance

Former NASA Administrator Dan Goldin, now CEO of KnuEdge, and Calit2 Director Larry Smarr have announced the Heterogeneous Neural Networks (HNN) Conference, to be held in spring 2017 in San Diego, Calif. KnuEdge delivers LambdaFabric neural computing technology that accelerates machine learning and...Read More

car glitter

Jul 25, 2016
Computer Scientists Find Way to Make All That Glitters More Realistic in Computer Graphics

Iron Man’s suit. Captain America’s shield. The Batmobile. These all could look a lot more realistic thanks to a new algorithm developed by a team of U.S. computer graphics experts. The researchers, led by Professor Ravi Ramamoorthi at the University of California San Diego, have created a method...Read More

CSE Researchers

Jul 23, 2016
'Critical Mass' in CSE for Computer Science Education Research

CSE represents one of the top programs worldwide in the area of computer science education research, according to the Computing Education Blog. Georgia Tech computer scientist Mark Guzdial, who writes the blog, noted that only two U.S. universities can boast of having established a 'critical mass'...Read More

Chandra Krintz

Jul 23, 2016
Alumna to Launch App to Help Growers Monitor Crop Conditions

CSE alumna Chandra Krintz (at left)  says she loves designing systems and solving problems. As a professor of computer science at UC Santa Barbara since 2001, Krintz (M.S., Ph.D. '98, '01)  is doing both with a project called SmartFarm. She is developing a mobile app to "help growers identify real-...Read More

Mihir Bellare

Jul 22, 2016
CSE Has #2 Cryptography Group Internationally in New Computer Science Rankings

UC San Diego computer science is among the top-10 programs in the nation and the world, according to a new method for Computer Science Rankings that is still in beta testing. A team led by University of Massachusetts at Amherst professor Emery Berger recently unveiled the CSRankings for university...Read More

Fan Chung Graham

Jul 14, 2016
Academia Sinica Elects (Partial) Retiree Fan Chung Graham

Professor Fan Chung Graham retired this month from her dual appointments in Computer Science and Engineering and Mathematics, also relinquishing her endowed chair as the Paul Erdős Professor in Combinatorics. But that's not the end of the story. Later this summer she will assume a part-time...Read More

Christensen at Georgia Tech

Jul 7, 2016
UC San Diego Hires Top Robotics Expert to Lead Contextual Robotics Institute

Henrik Christensen, one of the most influential robotics researchers in the world, is joining the University of California San Diego. He will direct the UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute and serve as a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Jacobs School of...Read More

Whova Startup

Jul 7, 2016
Faculty Startup Whova Wins Award for Global Growth

The conference networking app Whova, developed as a startup by CSE Prof. Yuanyuan (YY) Zhou, has received a $10,000 prize to pursue Whova's potential in international markets. The MetroConnect Prize is a  program of the World Trade Center San Diego to help local companies accelerate their global...Read More

UC San Diego StarCAVE

Jul 6, 2016
Nearly 5,000 International Students Are 20% of UC San Diego Undergrads

Just days after a research group ranked UC San Diego as #4 nationally in terms of the percentage of international undergraduates majoring in computer science, another ranking looks at the overall influence of international students on U.S. campuses. U.S. News and World Report surveyed 1,800...Read More