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Debashis Sahoo, co-senior author of the study, is an associate professor in the departments of Pediatrics and Computer Science and Engineering.

Jul 15, 2021
Artificial Intelligence Could Be New Blueprint for Precision Drug Discovery

Writing in the July 12, 2021 online issue of Nature Communications, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering describe a new approach that uses machine learning to hunt for disease targets and then predicts whether a...Read More

Professor Stefan Savage

Jun 25, 2021
Computer Scientist Stefan Savage Honored as Prestigious Distinguished Researcher at UC San Diego

By Kayla Chen    UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Professor Stefan Savage is one of two researchers across the campus to be named the Distinguished Researcher by the UC San Diego Academic Senate. He was honored with the award for his work in cybersecurity.   These awards are a sign...Read More

If concertmaster (top left) looks at her camera, it will appear to the musicians that she is looking at all of them. But gaze tracking system shows she is looking at Walter (second row center), and labels the concertmaster’s video feed with the name “Walter” so the entire class knows the intended recipient, and the label updates continuously when she looks at another musician – establishing non-verbal communication with the ensemble.

Jun 23, 2021
CSE’s Shlomo Dubnov Helps Develop Machine Learning to Enhance Non-verbal Communication in Online Classrooms

By Doug Ramsey   Researchers in the Center for Research on Entertainment and Learning (CREL) at the University of California San Diego have developed a system to analyze and track eye movements to enhance teaching in tomorrow’s virtual classrooms – and perhaps future virtual concert halls. UC...Read More

Computer generated image, Albert Chern, Houdini, 5/9, 2016

Jun 21, 2021
Albert Chern: Integrating Math, Computer Science and Art

By Josh Baxt   New UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Assistant Professor Albert Chern brings a mathematical mindset to computer science. In fact, for most of his academic career, math came first. “My undergraduate studies all the way to my Ph.D. and post-doc were all in...Read More

CSE and Halicioğlu Data Science Institute Assistant Professor Arun Kumar is working to make it faster, easier and more economical to handle large datasets.

Jun 21, 2021
CSE’s Arun Kumar is Helping to Solve ML’s Big Data Problem

by Josh Baxt   Big datasets can be incredible assets in business, healthcare, the physical and social sciences and many other disciplines – but the data won’t reveal itself. To isolate useful information and harness its predictive capabilities, researchers and organizations rely on sophisticated...Read More

CSE Professor Victor Vianu will present his body of work at the "Gems of PODS" series

Jun 18, 2021
UC San Diego Computer Scientist Victor Vianu Honored for Research “Gems”

UC San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Professor Victor Vianu will present his work at the ACM SIGMOD Principles of Database Systems (PODS) conference, which will be held June 20 to 25, as part of Gems of PODS series. These are similar to prestigious Test-of-Time awards but usually encompass...Read More

CSE Ph.D. candidate Zexiang Xu was among seven students from across the university to be honored for outstanding doctoral research

Jun 11, 2021
CSE’s Zexiang Xu Awarded Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal

By Josh Baxt   Zexiang Xu, a Ph.D. candidate in UC San Diego’s Computer Science and Engineering Department, was among seven students from across the university to receive the UC San Diego Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal for outstanding doctoral research. Xu’s dissertation, Sparse Sampling for...Read More

Debashis Sahoo, a professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department and of pediatrics at UC San Diego School of Medicine, co-led the study.

Jun 11, 2021
AI Predicts How Patients with Viral Infections, Including COVID-19, Will Fare

Debashis Sahoo, a professor in the UC San Diego Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and of pediatrics at UC San Diego School of Medicine, along with other researchers at the School of Medicine have used an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to sift through terabytes of gene...Read More

CSE Postdoctoral Scholar Yana Safonova

Jun 10, 2021
CSE Researcher Part of International Call for Increased Diversity in Immunogenomics in Nature Methods

Limiting immunogenomics studies to people of European ancestry restricts the ability to identify variations in human adaptive immune responses across populations. Thus, expanding the diversity of those studied is vital to advancing the frontiers of human immunology, according to commentary in the...Read More

A pseudonymous snapshot of a discussion-based lecture at UC San Diego. Most students are not sharing videos and all are muted except the one person who is speaking.

Jun 10, 2021
‘It Feels like I’m Talking into a Void’: How Do We Improve the Virtual Classroom?

The COVID pandemic precipitated a major shift to virtual learning—an unplanned test of whether these technologies can scale effectively. But did they? Researchers in the UC San Diego Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) wanted to look beyond the anecdotal evidence to better...Read More