Summer 2023 Undergraduate Course Updates

Updated: July 25, 2023

Welcome to the Summer 2023 Updates page!

Due to the high demand for CSE courses, enrolling in CSE courses can be difficult and confusing. Please read the following page in detail. This page is subject to change periodically so we recommend checking our website and the Schedule of Classes for the most up to date information. 

The capacity in each course is determined by multiple variables (not just the classroom size), including but not limited to: 

  • Classroom size availability 
  • Instructor availability 
  • Instructor teaching load
  • Instructional support availability (TA/tutor support) 
  • Scalability of the course


  1. Students will need to assume everything is in person and/or synchronous only unless stated otherwise in the "Notes" below for the course section. 
  2. We are offering some fully remote courses in Summer Session. Course components with the location listed as RCLAS on the Schedule of Classes/WebReg will be remote/online course components. 
  3. Sorry, no swaps. Be sure to enroll or waitlist in the section with the assigned time you will attend and the assigned final exam you can attend. This includes R (remote) courses. If a student is waitlisted for a course and then enrolls in the R version (or vice versa), the system will drop you from the waitlist because it recognizes you are already enrolled in the course. We will not clear students to add to the course in these situations as the system moves on and automatically adds the next eligible student on the waitlist. Due to the high demand for CSE classes, the large volume of requests, and limited staff resources, the CSE department does NOT allow students to swap sections, even if they find another student who is willing to swap with them. No exceptions.
Late Add Policy

The CSE department does not allow students to add courses past week1. 

Students who add CSE courses during the first week will not be allowed to make-up missed assignments. If you are on the waitlist for a course, you are expected to attend the class for the first week and complete assignments. If students choose not to attend class or to not turn in assignments on due dates, the student will receive a "0" on all missed assignments/quizzes/etc. No exceptions are made.

Waitlist Policy
  • There is no major priority for CSE courses in the summer. All undergraduate students should expect to be enrolled in courses in waitlist order only. However, undergraduates do have priority to add undergraduate courses.
  • Students will only be added to courses with waitlists in waitlist order via the automatic waitlist enrollment process. The last waitlist runs on the Thursday evening of week1 of classes. The CSE department will not manually clear any students to enroll even if space becomes available on the last day of enrollment (Friday of week1 of the session).
  • The system will add waitlisted students to the course LMS (Canvas) if waitlisted, but this is not a guarantee for a seat in the course. Only students who are officially enrolled via WebReg are officially enrolled in the course.
  • Waitlisted students will be dropped from the Canvas course platform by the start of week2 of the session.  

IMPORTANT NOTE: If a student is waitlisted for a course in summer and enrolled in the same course for Fall or another Summer session, the system will drop you from the summer session waitlist if a seat becomes available because it recognizes you are already enrolled in the course. We will not clear students to add to the course in these situations as the system moves on and automatically adds the next eligible student on the waitlist. 

Enrollment/Course Policies
  • There is no major priority for CSE courses in the summer. All undergraduate students should expect to be enrolled in courses in waitlist order only. However, undergraduates do have priority to add undergraduate courses.
  • Prerequisites are enforced for ALL classes. Please review our prerequisite page for more information. 
  • For course clearances, please use the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). These may take 5 business days to be processed, so please plan accordingly. 
  • Sorry, no swaps. Be sure to enroll or waitlist in the section with the assigned time you will attend and the assigned final exam you can attend. This includes R (remote) courses. If a student is waitlisted for a course and then enrolls in the R version (or vice versa), the system will drop you from the waitlist because it recognizes you are already enrolled in the course. We will not clear students to add to the course in these situations as the system moves on and automatically adds the next eligible student on the waitlist. Due to the high demand for CSE classes, the large volume of requests, and limited staff resources, the CSE department does NOT allow students to swap sections, even if they find another student who is willing to swap with them. No exceptions.
  • We do not release names of instructors until their appointments are official with the University. Once official, instructor names are posted on the Schedule of Classes and WebReg
  • For UCSD students: if you need to petition a course for CSE transfer credit, please use our ONLINE PETITION to do so.
Non-CSE Majors

Non-CSE Undergraduates who want to enroll in CSE Major restricted courses should submit an enrollment request through Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). CSE Major restricted courses are noted with an asterisk (*) next to the course number in the chart below.

Requests from non-CSE major undergraduate students to be cleared to enroll in major restricted courses may take 5 business days, please plan accordingly.

Non-CSE Courses

Each department handles course clearances for their own courses. Please contact the respective department for course clearance to ECE, COGS, MGT, etc.

Summer Session Important dates

Please see the Summer Session key dates webpage for a complete list of academic deadlines.

To receive reminders about Summer 2023 deadlines on your phone, be sure to download the UC San Diego app. Don't forget to turn notifications on!

Graduate Students

Graduate students who wish to add undergraduate courses please submit a request through the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy). Prerequisite clearances and approvals to add will be reviewed at the start of week1 of classes based on if there is seat availability after undergraduates enroll.



Course Course Title Prerequisite(s) Primary Instructor Section Code Section Capacity Course Notes
8A Intro to Programming 1 No prior programming experience is assumed, but comfort using computers is helpful. Students should consult the "CSE Course Placement Advice" web page for assistance in choosing which CSE course to take first.***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Effective Spring 2022: Students may only receive credit for one of the following: BILD 62, COGS 18, CSE 8A, or CSE 6R Cao, Yingjun A00 50 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
8A Intro to Programming 1 No prior programming experience is assumed, but comfort using computers is helpful. Students should consult the "CSE Course Placement Advice" web page for assistance in choosing which CSE course to take first.***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Effective Spring 2022: Students may only receive credit for one of the following: BILD 62, COGS 18, CSE 8A, or CSE 6R Salguero, Adrian B00 50 All seats released for enrollment
11 Accel. Intro to Programming Significant prior programming experience (for example, high school AP CSA). Students should consult the CSE Course Placement Advice webpage for assistance in choosing a first CSE course. ***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Zero units of credit offered for CSE 11 if CSE 8B taken previously or concurrently. Cao, Yingjun A00 50 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
20 Discrete Mathematics *CSE11 or CSE6R or CSE8A or CSE8B or ECE15 *CSE 11 may be taken concurrently with CSE 20. AFTER enrolling in CSE 11, students should submit a Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) to be cleared to enroll in CSE 20. Students who have completed Math 109 may not receive credit for CSE 20. Credit not offered for both Math 15A and CSE 20. Equivalent to Math 15A. Students may take MATH 109 or MATH 31CH to meet the CSE 20 course prerequisite for CSE courses. EASy request may be required. Students may use MATH 109 or MATH 31CH towards CSE 20 CSE major/minor requirements, but MATH 109 or MATH 31CH must be taken for a letter grade and students need to submit a VAC request to manually move the course to cover the major /minor requirement *** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Briones, Jor-el Thomas Caparas A00 30 All seats released for enrollment
21 Math/Algorithm&Systems Analys CSE 20 or Math 15A or MATH 31CH ***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Effective Winter 2023: Students who have completed MATH 154 or MATH 184 or MATH 188 previously or concurrently may not receive credit for CSE 21. Briones, Jor-el Thomas Caparas A00 60 All seats released for enrollment
101 Design & Analysis of Algorithm Effective Winter 2023: (CSE21 or MATH154 or MATH158 or MATH184 or MATH188) and (CSE12 or DSC30) *** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Braun, Oliver A00 40 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
134B Web Client Languages Effective Winter 2023: CSE 100 or CSE 100R ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors*** Powell, Thomas Allan A00 100 All seats released for enrollment
140 Component&Desgn Tech/Digtl Sys (CSE20 or MATH109 or MATH15A or MATH31CH) and (CSE30); CSE 140L should be taken concurrently. ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** Gungor, Onat A00 100 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
140L Digital Systems Laboratory (CSE20 or MATH109 or MATH15A or MATH31CH) and (CSE30); CSE 140 should be taken concurrently. ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.*** Eldon, John A00 100 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
150A AI: Probabilistic Models (CSE 12 or DSC 40B) and (CSE 15L or DSC 80) and (COGS 118D or CSE 103 or ECE 109 or ECON 120A or MATH 180A or MATH 183) and (MATH 20A) and (MATH 18 or MATH 31AH) ***Restricted to students with sophomore, junior or senior standing within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors.*** **NOTE: Students who have taken CSE 150 with the same instructor will not receive credit/passing grade for taking CSE 150A. Smart, Mary A00 50 All seats released for enrollment
151A Intro to Machine Learning (CSE12 or DSC40B) and (CSE15L or DSC80) and (COGS118D or CSE103 or ECE109 or ECON120A or MATH181A or MATH183) and (MATH18 or MATH31AH) and (MATH20C or MATH31BH) *** Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, EC26, and DS25 majors.*** Students may not receive credit for both CSE 151A and COGS 188, nor may they receive credit for both CSE 151A and CSE 151. Imola, Jacob A00 50 All seats released for enrollment
175 Successful Entrepreneurship for Engineers Instructor approval required to ensure sufficient project experience to be successful in the course. Kumar, Rakesh A00 50 All seats released for enrollment. Please complete this form to be considered. 
190 Top/Computer Sci & Engineering Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements. Effective Winter 2023: May be taken for credit up to three times. May be co-scheduled with CSE 291. Dubnov, Shlomo A00 49 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment


8A Intro to Programming 1 No prior programming experience is assumed, but comfort using computers is helpful. Students should consult the "CSE Course Placement Advice" web page for assistance in choosing which CSE course to take first.***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Effective Spring 2022: Students may only receive credit for one of the following: BILD 62, COGS 18, CSE 8A, or CSE 6R Cao, Yingjun A00 50

All seats released for enrollment

Fully remote (RCLAS).

11 Accel. Intro to Programming Significant prior programming experience (for example, high school AP CSA). Students should consult the CSE Course Placement Advice webpage for assistance in choosing a first CSE course. ***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Zero units of credit offered for CSE 11 if CSE 8B taken previously or concurrently. Cao, Yingjun A00 50

All seats released for enrollment

Fully remote (RCLAS).

20 Discrete Mathematics *CSE11 or CSE6R or CSE8A or CSE8B or ECE15 *CSE 11 may be taken concurrently with CSE 20. AFTER enrolling in CSE 11, students should submit a Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) to be cleared to enroll in CSE 20. Students who have completed Math 109 may not receive credit for CSE 20. Credit not offered for both Math 15A and CSE 20. Equivalent to Math 15A. Students may take MATH 109 or MATH 31CH to meet the CSE 20 course prerequisite for CSE courses. EASy request may be required. Students may use MATH 109 or MATH 31CH towards CSE 20 CSE major/minor requirements, but MATH 109 or MATH 31CH must be taken for a letter grade and students need to submit a VAC request to manually move the course to cover the major /minor requirement *** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Briones, Jor-el Thomas Caparas A00 30 All seats released for enrollment
21 Math/Algorithm&Systems Analys CSE 20 or Math 15A or MATH 31CH ***Restricted to undergraduates.*** Effective Winter 2023: Students who have completed MATH 154 or MATH 184 or MATH 188 previously or concurrently may not receive credit for CSE 21. Braun, Oliver A00 50 All seats released for enrollment
101 Design & Analysis of Algorithm Effective Winter 2023: (CSE21 or MATH154 or MATH158 or MATH184 or MATH188) and (CSE12 or DSC30) *** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Braun, Oliver A00 50 All seats released for enrollment
101 Design & Analysis of Algorithm Effective Winter 2023: (CSE21 or MATH154 or MATH158 or MATH184 or MATH188) and (CSE12 or DSC30) *** Restricted to undergraduates.*** Jones, Miles E B00 50 All seats released for enrollment
141 Intro/Computer Architecture (CSE30) and (CSE140) and (CSE140L) ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, and EC26 majors.***
Two units of credit offered for CSE 141 if CSE 142 taken previously.
Eldon, John A00 100 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
141L Project/Computer Architecture (CSE 30) and (CSE 140) and (CSE 140L); CSE 141 should be taken concurrently. ***Restricted to CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors** Eldon, John A00 100 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment
142 Comp Arch Software Perspective ***Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.***Two units of credit offered for CSE 142 if CSE 141 taken previously or concurrently. Effective Winter 2023: (CSE 30) and (CSE 100 or CSE 100R); CSE 142L should be taken concurrently. Tseng, Hung-Wei A00 60 All seats released for enrollment
142 Comp Arch Software Perspective ***Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.***Two units of credit offered for CSE 142 if CSE 141 taken previously or concurrently. Effective Winter 2023: (CSE 30) and (CSE 100 or CSE 100R); CSE 142L should be taken concurrently. Tseng, Hung-Wei B00 60 Synchronous Remote (RCLAS) Session to CSE 142 A00. All seats released for enrollment
142L Software Proj Comp Arch ***Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.*** Effective Winter 2023: (CSE 30) and (CSE 100 or CSE 100R); CSE 142 should be taken concurrently. Tseng, Hung-Wei A00 60 All seats released for enrollment
142L Software Proj Comp Arch ***Restricted to students within the CS25, CS26, CS27, CS28, and EC26 majors.*** Effective Winter 2023: (CSE 30) and (CSE 100 or CSE 100R); CSE 142 should be taken concurrently. Tseng, Hung-Wei B00 60 Synchronous Remote (RCLAS) Session to CSE 142L A00. All seats released for enrollment
190 Top/Computer Sci & Engineering Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Please see the CSE 190 web page to review specific course requirements. Effective Winter 2023: May be taken for credit up to three times. May be co-scheduled with CSE 291. Dubnov, Shlomo A00 49 Fully remote (RCLAS). All seats released for enrollment