Updated 2.13.2025
Concurrent Enrollment through UC San Diego Extended Studies provides the opportunity for those who are not registered UC San Diego students to enroll in CSE courses. You must register with UC San Diego Extended Studies to participate in Concurrent Enrollment.
The procedures & policies laid out below are specific to the CSE Department. If you have any general questions about the concurrent enrollment process, those should be directed to UC San Diego Extended Studies. Questions about courses in other departments, should be directed to those departments accordingly.
Policies for Spring Quarter 2025
Follow the procedures for Spring Quarter 2025. Failing to do so will jeopardize a Concurrent Enrollment Student’s opportunity to take CSE Courses at UC San Diego. Please review the procedures carefully.
Concurrent Enrollment is not guaranteed. Concurrent Enrollment Students are allowed to add CSE Courses after all registered UC San Diego students have been accommodated. Although we do our best to accommodate Concurrent Enrollment Students, CSE Courses are in high demand. It is possible that a Concurrent Enrollment Student will not be approved to enroll in any CSE Courses.
Concurrent Enrollment approvals are contingent upon class attendance. Concurrent Enrollment Students will not be approved to enroll in CSE Courses they are not attending.
Concurrent Enrollment approvals will be based on: space availability, waitlist order (e.g., when students turned in the Concurrent Enrollment Add Form), and a review of Concurrent Enrollment Student requests, in order to try to place each student into at least one course.
It is each student's responsibility to ensure they don't take courses with scheduling conflicts. Concurrent enrollment students do not always take CSE courses in the intended order, and thus can take courses that have conflicting class or final exam times. The CSE Department is not responsible for checking for conflicts within a student's schedule, and is not able to re-schedule any aspects of a course to mitigate conflicts. If a student chooses to take courses that have conflicting components, it is their responsibility to work with the Instructor to solve any issues. There is also no guarantee that each Instructor will be able or willing to re-schedule. Please plan accordingly to avoid any course or final exam time conflicts.
No Concurrent Enrollments are approved for CSE Courses after Friday, April 18, 2025 at 2 PM. ***Some lower division CSE Courses close earlier.*** Please see the CSE Spring 2025 Course Updates page for the latest status. Be sure to also review UC San Diego Extended Studie's policies and procedures. If there are later deadlines on that site, the CSE deadlines still apply.
Looking for an intro to programming course? Check out CSE 6R in Spring 2025!
How to Add CSE Courses through Concurrent Enrollment
1. Register with UC San Diego Extended Studies
2. Complete our Concurrent Enrollment Student Information Form
3. Use the following resources to identify CSE courses you wish to take:
- CSE Undergraduate Course Descriptions - View content, expectations, and prerequisites for CSE courses.
- Schedule of Classes - View time/day/location/instructor details for available course sections.
- Spring 2025 Course Updates - View updates to CSE courses, i.e. canceled sections, number of seats, etc.
4. Complete EASy requests (Enrollment Authorization System) for each of the courses you wish to enroll in (this step was previously known as completing "add cards").
- To expedite Instructor approval, make sure to include as much justification and supporting documentation as you can in your initial EASy request. This documentation should demonstrate to the Instructor how you meet the course prerequisites (albeit maybe not with UCSD course credit) and have the knowledge to be successful in the course.
5. For CSE courses you need BOTH Instructor and Department approval. Once you complete the EASy request for a CSE course, it will first be routed to the course Instructor for review.
6. Once Instructor approval is received, the EASy request will automatically be routed back to the CSE Department for review. The Instructor approval MUST be received by the CSE Department before your course request will be reviewed.
- Instructor approvals SHOULD be received through the EASy system, however, if you have already received your Instructor approval via email, you can attach a screenshot of that Instructor approval to your EASy request. Please email cseconcurrent@ucsd.edu to note that you have included Instructor approval in your EASy request - this will expedite the process of moving you along to department review.
7. Beginning Monday, March 31, 2025, attend the courses you wish to enroll in.
8. Starting Wednesday, April 2, 2025 CSE Student Affairs will begin to review CSE course enrollments. Not all EASy requests will be reviewed on this day, it is a continuing process over the first three weeks of the quarter (ending 4/18/25).
9. CSE Department approved EASy requests are then automatically routed to the Extension Office for payment processing and enrollment. The Extension Office will contact each student to notify them of their CSE approval to enroll.
- Check with UC San Diego Extended Studies office to verify the deadline to enroll in classes with Concurrent Enrollment.
**If you are a readmit student, please be sure to reach out to the CSE Department directly to let us know. You can email us at cseconcurrent@ucsd.edu or submit a question through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).**
Frequently Asked Questions
- I am participating in Concurrent Enrollment as part of my Readmission to UC San Diego. Is this the process I should follow?
Yes, but it is important that UC San Diego students applying for Readmission as a CSE major should call or email our office to set up an appointment with an advisor first.
- Why should I fill out the Concurrent Enrollment Student Information form?
The Concurrent Enrollment Student Information form is a required step in the CSE Concurrent Enrollment process. We use the form to track requests and approvals.
- What are my chances of enrolling in the CSE Courses I want?
We do not know your chances of enrolling in an CSE Course. There are too many factors, known and unknown, for us to make a prediction. Follow the policies and instructions above carefully to ensure you have the best chance of enrolling in CSE Courses.
- What is my position on the waitlist for this CSE Course?
Concurrent Enrollment through the CSE Department is based on a number of factors, known and unknown, that make it difficult to evaluate your position on our waitlists. Follow the policies and instructions above carefully to ensure you have the best chance of enrolling in CSE Courses.
- I need to enroll in a minimum number of units this quarter. Do I have priority to enroll in CSE Courses?
No. Priority enrollment is not granted to Concurrent Enrollment students. Please see our policies above to read about what factors course approvals are based upon.
- I am a Computer Science major at my home university. Do I have priority to enroll in CSE Courses?
No. Priority enrollment is not granted to Concurrent Enrollment students. Please see our policies above to read about what factors course approvals are based upon.
- The Schedule of Classes online shows that there are available seats in the courses I want to take. Does that mean I can enroll?
No. The online Schedule of Classes does not accurately show seat availability for Concurrent Enrollment students. The Schedule of Classes can only give Concurrent Enrollment Students a general idea of what courses are in highest demand. Please follow the instructions on this page to find out if you have been offered enrollment approval for a CSE course.
- I know what CSE Courses I want to enroll in. Why do I have to wait until after classes begin to submit my Concurrent Enrollment EASy Requests?
Attending the first day of class is the best way to be certain you want to enroll in a CSE Course. Also, on the first day of class, you should receive a syllabus that will tell you when and where the instructor is available to talk with you.
- May I turn in a Concurrent Enrollment Add Form for a CSE Course for which I have not attended class?
No. CSE Department policy does not allow students to make-up assignments they miss in the first two weeks of the quarter. Therefore, to ensure student success, we require that Concurrent Enrollment Students must attend all classes for a course during the first two weeks to be eligible for enrollment. You may not add a CSE Course that you did not attend in the first two weeks of the quarter.
- I do not have a preference for a specific section of the course I wish to enroll in. May I leave the Section/Section ID blank on the EASy Request?
Unfortunately, no. You will need to complete an EASy request for each section of a course that you wish to enroll in. There is also a limit to the number of EASy requests you can submit at once, so be mindful about which you are submitting (maximum of 10 requests).
- The instructor approved my Concurrent Enrollment EASy Request. Am I guaranteed a seat in the course?
No. The instructor's approval confirms that the instructor would allow the Concurrent Enrollment student to add the course if seats become available. Instructors do not manage enrollment in their courses. An instructor’s signature never guarantees a seat in a course. A Concurrent Enrollment student always needs CSE Department approval to enroll.
- What do you mean when you say that some lower division CSE Courses close enrollment earlier than others?
Due to the fast-paced nature of the course, some of our instructors ask that no new students be enrolled in their courses after a certain point in the quarter. It is imperative to attend the first two weeks of any course you wish to enroll in so as not to miss your opportunity to enroll.
- I changed my mind about the courses I want to take, what should I do?
If you have submitted an EASy Request for a CSE Course you no longer wish to take, you can remove that request in the EASy system. Please be mindful of the maximum number of EASy requests you can submit at once.
If you still have questions...
Questions about UC San Diego Extended Studies and University and Professional Studies (UPS) policies should be directed to those offices.
Concurrent enrollment questions should be directed to cseconcurrent@ucsd.edu and any general questions about Computer Science and Engineering Department policies should be directed to csestudent@ucsd.edu.