Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) Accommodation Information

*Updated 01/21/2025*


Students with documented disabilities may be eligible for accommodations. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is responsible for determining reasonable accommodations based on the individual’s current functional limitations. Only students who have been issued an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) by the OSD are eligible for accommodations.

Instructors and Students Triton Testing Center - WINTER 2025

Triton Testing Center will be open during the WINTER 2025 quarter to provide secure and integrous testing services to students who need to take their paper-based tests outside the time and space constraints of the classroom.

Unfortunately, the TTC is not equipped to host computer-based tests at this time.

Effective WINTER 2022, CSE instructors will be expected to:

1. Confirm receipt of OSD AFA letters and share exam testing dates with the OSD liaison, as per usual. Inform the OSD Liaison right away if any of your exams in SPRING quarter are not paper-based, as the TTC can only administer paper-based exams at this time.

2. Please create an account with UC San Diego’s Register Blast. Once you’ve created an account, the TTC will be in touch with you directly with detailed instructions and further guidance.

3. Once your account is created, you’ll be able to directly work with the TTC to schedule paper-based exams. To do so, log in to Register Blast to submit your test(s) request, securely upload your test(s), and provide testing instructions and preferences. Register Blast will also enable you to see all of your tests in one spot, as well as when a student has completed a test.

4. Keep the OSD Liaison in the loop as needed for computer-based exams, escalated student issues, and other concerns that cannot be resolved by the TTC directly. 

5. For computer-based tests, inform the CSE OSD Liaison right away if the student’s exam requires a private testing space. Computer-based exams that cannot be administered by the TTC can be coordinated with the CSE OSD Liaison. Online exam accommodations, such as the provision of extended time, will be coordinated primarily by the instructors.

For students:  

  1. To get started, you must fill out a TTC student registration form.
  2. Once TTC approves your account, you will be able to log in to their system to confirm your accommodations and schedule your exams.
  3. Once your exams have been scheduled, you will receive a registrar blast email with your exam details.
  4. Students are required to schedule their tests at least 3-5 days in advance. However, TTC encourages you to sign up for all of your available tests as soon as possible to ensure you have received a spot.
  5. If you cannot schedule your exam with TTC, please email me ( and include your instructor for the corresponding class.

Scheduling Timelines:

  • It takes TTC 2 business days to approve your account
  • Students must schedule tests with the TTC at least 3-5 days in advance.
  • Instructors are asked to register their tests with the TTC. All registrations must be received no later than 5 days before the opening of the desired testing window.

Triton Testing Center Contact: 

Information for Students

Students seeking accommodations in any course offered by the Computer Science and Engineering department must follow the steps below. Students are responsible for registering promptly with the OSD. In order to ensure that accommodations are met, students MUST follow the procedures of both the OSD and the Computer Science and Engineering Department.

  • Students consult with an OSD Disability Specialist quarterly, as soon as course registration occurs, to obtain an electronic  Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter for each course in which accommodations are needed. 

  • Once an AFA letter is issued for a course offered by the Computer Science and Engineering Department. The AFA letter(s) will be electronically sent to their respective course instructor(s) and to the Computer Science and Engineering OSD Liaison.

If the course instructor has elected to coordinate a student's accommodations, the CSE Department OSD Liaison will have an electronic copy for records.

The OSD Liaison will work with the course instructor to make arrangements for the student's exams. Whenever possible, the exam will be scheduled for the same date and time as the original exam. Students will be notified via email when and where their exams will take place. 

Please note:

  • The AFA should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than Friday of week 2 of the quarter. Suppose the OSD issues an AFA letter after Friday of week 2. In that case, the student must present the AFA to the Computer Science and Engineering OSD Liaison within two business days of the date of issuance listed on the AFA.

  • An AFA for each Computer Science and Engineering course must be submitted to the Computer Science and Engineering OSD Liaison before any accommodations can be arranged. No accommodations will be retroactively applied.

  • If for any reason a student decides they do not want to use one or more of their accommodations, we ask that they notify the OSD Liaison as soon as possible before the exam.

Information for Exam Proctors

We are looking for exam proctors for the 2024/2025 Academic Year.

If you are interested in becoming a CSE Exam Proctor, see the position description and apply here.

Proctors hired by the CSE Department should visit the CSE Proctors Page to access resources and sign-up to proctor exams.

Information for Instructors

When a student is enrolled in a CSE course and is issued an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter, an instructor can expect an electronic copy sent via email. If an instructor would prefer to arrange a student's exam accommodations, they should let the student know that. 

Unless communicated otherwise, the OSD Liaison will make arrangements for the student's exams, and then contact the instructor with confirmation details. The accommodated exam may:

  • Be in a separate location from the classroom exam

  • Start at the same time as the classroom exam or a little later

  • End at the same time or later than the classroom exam

  • Include use of a laptop not connected to a network; additional instructions will be provided 

  • Need to be rescheduled to a different day to avoid conflicts with the student's other classes or exams

  • Stipulate other requirements as listed on the AFA

The OSD Liaison will also ask that the instructor asks one of the course TAs to proctor the OSD student's exam whenever necessary. When a student takes their exam separately from the class, they cannot ask the instructor clarification questions. Providing a course TA for an OSD student's exam ensures that they are not at a disadvantage compared to their peers. In addition, if any announcements are made to the class during the exam, it is expected that the instructor would have no trouble contacting their course TA so that the OSD student hears the same announcement.

If sending a course TA to proctor an OSD student's exam would leave an instructor short-handed where the rest of the class is testing, the instructor should please fill out this form from the Academic Integrity office to request additional proctoring support. CSE is now one of three departments to be participating in a campus pilot program, starting Winter 2018, through which we can request proctors through the Academic Integrity Office from a centralized, trained pool of undergraduates. For clarification, these students cannot proctor OSD exams but can help make-up for the absence of a course TA who is proctoring an OSD student exam. If you do not have TAs assigned to your course, let the OSD Liaison know right away so that other proctoring arrangements can be made.

In addition, starting Spring 2018, the CSE department has hired a few graduate students who can proctor OSD exams. If an instructor would like us to arrange for one of our proctors for the student's exams, they must let the OSD Liaison know right away. Please keep in mind that the instructor will need to correspond with the proctor regarding when they can pick up and drop off the exam, as well as how they can contact the instructor with the student's questions during the exam.

Undergraduate CSE tutors are not to proctor CSE OSD exams alone. However, they are allowed to assist in proctoring the classroom exam.

To view the names of students enrolled in your course and their accommodations, visit the MyOSD tool online and log in. (If you have trouble logging in, please contact the OSD).

CSE OSD Liaison Contact: