Gordon Center Stages Sixth Annual Think Tank

May 14, 2015
ThinkTank: Future of Digital Health

This Friday and Saturday, the Gordon Engineering Leadership Center is hosting another of its "Think Tank" symposium series, this one focused on digital health.

Think Tank: The Future of Digital Health
May 15-16, 2015
Friday 8am-5pm; Saturday 8am-2pm
Qualcomm Conference Center
Jacobs Hall
Registration required

Digital medicine is revolutionizing the way patients manage healthcare. This Think Tank will provide a comprehensive overview of digital health as well as unique perspectives from expert speakers from all facets of healthcare. The goal is to brainstorm the implications and uses of an emerging aspect of engineering, and past Think Tanks focused on topics as diverse as cyber security, cloud computing, and the energy crisis. This is the sixth annual Think Tank, and organizer Neil Gandhi explained that "improving data analysis to diagnosis, technology will have a sure impact on healthcare." The recent alumnus from Bioengineering also said that digital health is about applying what we know how to do with mobile devices, connectivity and big-data analytics to improve access to the healthcare system. Added Gandhi: "“New wireless devices paired with smart computing is enabling better patient care, but there are still challenges in integrating technology into the clinic and changing the way we already do things.” Speakers will address topics including big data, healthcare analytics, healthcare entrepreneurship, preventative medicine, mobile and global health, population health, emerging wireless technologies, and more. There will also be problem solving sessions, where small teams will have the opportunity to present their solutions to healthcare challenges.

Read a preview of the Think Tank on the Jacobs School blog.