Inauguration of CSE Awards and End-of-Year BBQ

Jun 8, 2015
Sorin Lerner and Pingfan Meng

On Friday June 5, the CSE department awarded its inaugural Graduate and Undergraduate Awards. The award ceremony took place in the Calit2 Auditorium of Atkinson Hall. The awards came in four categories: Research, Teaching, Service and Contributions to Diversity.

Nominations were sought earlier in the year, and Gradcom, MSCom and UGCom had the difficult task of deciding the final winners among the many great nominations. A graduate award winner for Research is Pingfan Meng (pictured far right receiving his award from CSE Prof. Sorin Lerner). Other graduate student winners are: Niki Vazou (who also won in the Research category), Gautam Akiwate (Teaching), Neha Chachra (Service) and Olivia Simpson (Contributions to Diversity).

The undergraduate award winners are: Antonella Wilby (Research), Jacob Maskiewicz (Teaching), Brandon Russell (Russell), and Eliah Overbey (Contributions to Diversity). Jennifer Lu was also honored as the recipient of the Jacobs School's Ring Ceremony Award for Excellence. Finally, undergraduates Anthony Lopez and Max Shen received Research Honorable Mentions, and Sneha Yelimeli and Josh Marxen received Teaching Honorable Mentions.

Pictured below (l-r): CSE Chair Rajesh Gupta; Teaching Professor Christine Alvarado; undergraduates Eliah Overbey, Jennifer Lu, Brandon Russell, Jacob Maskiewicz; Prof. Sorin Lerner; grad students Neha Chachra, Pingfan Meng, Niki Vazou, Gautam Akiwate; winners not present: grad student Olivia Simpson for Contributions to Diversity, and undergraduate Antonella Wilby for Research. 

Congratulations to all the winners, and to all CSE students for continuing to be such a talented group. The ceremony was followed by a celebratory BBQ in the CSE Courtyard, where everybody had a good time.

Watch the CSE graduate awards ceremony on YouTube.
See and download photos from the awards ceremony on Flickr.