SDSC Summer Institute Invites Applications: HPC for the Long Tail of Science

Apr 1, 2016
SDSC Summer Institute

CSE faculty, postdocs and students are invited to enroll in the San Diego Supercomputer Center's Summer Institute, which will run from August 1-5 at SDSC on the UC San Diego campus. The institute will provide a week of education and training in High Performance and Data Intensive Computing. This year's theme: HPC for the Long Tail of Science. Institute faculty members include CSE affiliated lecturer Ilkay Altintas, who is SDSC's Chief Data Science Officer, and affiliated research scientist Amarnath Gupta.

The Summer Institute will deploy a flexible format designed to help attendees get the most out of their week. The first half of the week will consist of plenary sessions covering essential skills, including data management, running jobs on SDSC resources, reproducibility, database systems, characteristics of big data, techniques for turning data into knowledge, software version control, and making effective use of hardware. This will be followed by a series of parallel sessions that allow attendees to dive deeper into specialized material that is relevant to their research projects and covering topics in Spark, Parallel Computing, Performance Optimization, Predictive Analytics, Scalable Data Management, Visualization, Workflow Management, GPU/CUDA and Python for Scientific Computing.

The Summer Institute will give participants the opportunity to do hands-on exercises on both Comet (SDSC's newest supercomputer) and the data-intensive Gordon system.

The SDSC Summer Institute is targeted at individuals interested in data science and computational science -- especially current and potential users of SDSC's data-intensive resources. Familiarity with UNIX/Linux environments is essential. Some programming experience in C/C++, Fortran, Java, R, Python, Perl, MATLAB or other languages is preferred. Applicants already dealing with data science and/or computational science problems are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications are due no later than Friday, May 6, and applicants will be notified by May 27.

Registration is $300 for confirmed attendees after acceptance. The registration fee applies to all attendees, but with NSF support, SDSC will award a limited number of scholarships to cover on-campus room and board (in dorm), so applicants must indicate whether they want to be considered for a scholarship.

Learn more about the Summer Institute agenda and activities. 
Further details and to apply, visit the SDSC Summer Institute 2016 registration page.