undergraduate course home pages fall 2021

This page contains links to the CSE undergraduate class home pages for the current quarter. Please note that some class web pages may still be under construction.

Graduate class home pages for the current quarter are also available.

CSE undergraduate course descriptions and CSE graduate course descriptions are available on-line as well.

Fall 2021

Course Name Course Number
Intro to Programming 1 CSE8A - Miranda
Intro to Programming 1 CSE8A - Miranda
Intro to Programming 1 CSE8A - Cao
Intro to Programming 1 CSE8A - Cao
Intro to Programming 2 CSE8B - Ochoa
Accel. Intro to Programming CSE11 - Politz
Accel. Intro to Programming CSE11 - Politz
Accel. Intro to Programming CSE11 - Miranda
Basic Data Struct & OO Design CSE12 - Gillespie
Basic Data Struct & OO Design CSE12 - Cao
Software Tools&Techniques Lab CSE15L - Gillespie
Software Tools&Techniques Lab CSE15L - Gillespie
Discrete Mathematics CSE20 - Minnes Kemp
Math/Algorithm&Systems Analys CSE21 - Impagliazzo
Math/Algorithm&Systems Analys CSE21 - Jones
Computer Organiz&Systms Progrm CSE30 - section A
Computer Organiz&Systms Progrm CSE30 - section B
Computer Organiz&Systms Progrm CSE30 - section C
Freshman Seminar CSE87 - Moshiri
Freshman Seminar CSE87 - Howden
Tutor Apprentice CSE95 - Alvarado
Tutor Apprentice CSE95 - Alvarado
Advanced Data Structures CSE100 - Moshiri
Advanced Data Structures CSE100 - Moshiri
Design & Analysis of Algorithm CSE101 - Jones
Practical Intro/Prob & Stats CSE103 - Freund
Theory of Computation CSE105 - Micciancio
Discrete/Cont Optimization CSE106 - Paturi
Intro to Modern Cryptography CSE107 - Heninger
Software Engineering CSE110 - Powell
Ubiquitous Computing CSE118 - Weibel
Princ/Computer Operating Systm CSE120 - Zhang
Networked Services CSE124 - Porter
Intro to Computer Security CSE127 - Stefan
Progrmng Lang:Princpl&Paradigm CSE130 - Polikarpova
Database System Principles CSE132A - Vianu
Component&Desgn Tech/Digtl Sys CSE140 - section A
Component&Desgn Tech/Digtl Sys CSE140 - Orailoglu
Digital Systems Laboratory CSE140L - Eldon
Digital Systems Laboratory CSE140L - Orailoglu
Intro/Computer Architecture CSE141 - section A
Project/Computer Architecture CSE141L - section A
Comp Arch Software Perspective CSE142 - Porter
Comp Arch Software Perspective CSE142 - Porter
Software Proj Comp Arch CSE142L - Swanson
Software Proj Comp Arch CSE142L - Swanson
Intro to Machine Learning CSE151A - Berg-Kirkpatrick
Intro to Comp Vision I CSE152A - Su
Recommender Sys&Web Mining CSE158 - McAuley
Recommender Sys&Web Mining CSE158 - McAuley
Computer Graphics CSE167 - Chern
Topics/Computer Sci & Engineer CSE190 - Bandeira
Topics/Computer Sci & Engineer CSE190 - Deutsch
Topics/Computer Sci & Engineer CSE190 - Vaccaro
Semnr/Computer Sci & Engineer CSE191 - Gao
Introduction to CS Research CSE193 - Alvarado