CSE 190 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (2018-2019)

CSE 190 - Topics in Computer Science and Engineering

Units: 4

Course Description:  Topics of special interest in Computer Science and Engineering. Topics may vary from quarter to quarter.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites vary per course per instructor. Department stamp required.

Offered: Every quarter as staffing allows

- May be repeated for credit max 3 times (maximum of 12 units; assuming courses taken for a different topic)

- Effective Winter 2019: A maximum of ONE CSE 190 may enrolled/waitlisted per quarter

- For sections where enrollment is via EASy clearance, non-CSE majors will be cleared after the CSE Major Priority deadline


Summer 2019

S119 CSE 190 A00: Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar

To enroll: Application Required - Application Closed on 5/19/2019

Priority Application Deadline: April 15th

Clearances to be sent: April 19th

Description: The major objectives of this course are to:

Encourage and Coach students to think like and become successful entrepreneurs,

Describe major reasons why Microsystem start-ups typically are not successful, and

Educate them to the breadth of methodologies for success in getting their innovative Microsystem ideas to the marketplace.

Experienced guest lecturers will be invited to share their success stories and lessons learned. In addition to reading assignments, students will have the opportunity to bring forward their own innovative ideas in teams of 3-5 students, and will be required to develop a first pass investor pitch and a business plan for a start-up company as a team project. The learnings from this course will also benefit students that choose to work as intrapreneurs within larger organizations.


S219 CSE 190 A00: Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar

To enroll:  Application Required

Application closing date: June 5th, 2019

Description: The major objectives of this course are to:

Encourage and Coach students to think like and become successful entrepreneurs,

Describe major reasons why Microsystem start-ups typically are not successful, and

Educate them to the breadth of methodologies for success in getting their innovative Microsystem ideas to the marketplace.

Experienced guest lecturers will be invited to share their success stories and lessons learned. In addition to reading assignments, students will have the opportunity to bring forward their own innovative ideas in teams of 3-5 students, and will be required to develop a first pass investor pitch and a business plan for a start-up company as a team project. The learnings from this course will also benefit students that choose to work as intrapreneurs within larger organizations.


Spring 2019

CSE 190 B00: Virtual Reality with Professor Jurgen Schulze

To enroll: Complete Course Pre-Authorization form

Prerequisites: CSE 167

Description: Virtual reality (VR) has been capturing people’s imagination for decades, but only recently has it been possible to build VR devices inexpensive enough for the consumer market. This course aims to explain how VR technology works and the students are going to do programming projects to better understand the potential and limitations of today’s VR hardware.


The course is structured into the following parts:

- An overview of the state-of-the-art VR technologies and research trends will be given.

- The fundamental physics of 3D displays will be covered, including the major 3D depth cues.

- The most common display types such as LCDs and OLEDs will be introduced, in terms of display materials, device structures, working principles, and research trends.

- We will look at various ways to create stereographics images.

-Several quasi-true 3D displays, including holography, volumetric 3D displays, and light field displays will be introduced.

- Immersive VR systems will be discussed, including HMD-based systems. This part of the course will include a discussion of smartphone-based HMDs as well as high-end computer driven HMDs.

- Challenges with today’s HMD-based VR will be discussed and software driver components will be explained and implemented in C++ with OpenGL.



CSE 190 D00: Database System Implementation with Professor Arun Kumar

Prerequisites: CSE 132A: Database System Principles" and C++ programming experience (or willingness to quickly learn C++ on your own). In addition, CSE 120: Principles of Operating Systems and CSE 132B: Database System Applications will be really helpful but it is not a pre-requisite.

To enroll: Complete Course Pre-Authorization form

Description: This is a hands-on systems-focused course on the implementation of a relational database management system (RDBMS). RDBMSs are the cornerstone of large-scale data management in numerous application domains that define the modern world, including finance, insurance, retail, logistics, telecommunications, healthcare, governance, and education. Moreover, ideas and techniques developed in the context of RDBMSs form the systems underpinnings of recent "big data" systems that were developed for new applications such as Web search, recommendation systems, and advanced analytics. This course will cover key systems topics in implementing an RDBMS: data storage, buffer management, indexing, sorting, and relational operator implementations, as well as a bit of query optimization and transaction processing. The implementation of newer "big data" systems such as MapReduce/Hadoop and Spark, as well as distributed key-value stores and in-memory RDBMSs will likely be covered as well. A major component of this course is hands-on C++ programming to implement two key components of an RDBMS--a buffer manager and a B+ Tree index--on top of a basic RDBMS skeleton that will be provided.

This is a 4-credit course with the following tentative grading split: two C++ programming projects (20% for buffer manager and 30% for B+ Tree index), a midterm (20%), and a final exam (30%). No late days will be given for the programming projects.


CSE 190 E00: Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar

To enroll: Application Required

Application Deadline: February 22nd

Notifications will be sent: March 4th

Description: The major objectives of this course are to:

Encourage and Coach students to think like and become successful entrepreneurs,

Describe major reasons why Microsystem start-ups typically are not successful, and

Educate them to the breadth of methodologies for success in getting their innovative Microsystem ideas to the marketplace.

Experienced guest lecturers will be invited to share their success stories and lessons learned. In addition to reading assignments, students will have the opportunity to bring forward their own innovative ideas in teams of 3-5 students, and will be required to develop a first pass investor pitch and a business plan for a start-up company as a team project. The learnings from this course will also benefit students that choose to work as intrapreneurs within larger organizations.


Winter 2019

CSE 190 A00: Wireless Embedded Systems with Professor Schulman

To enroll: Application required 

Description: Wireless embedded systems bridge our physical world with powerful digital control systems and cloud data analytics. Applications range from medical devices such as Bluetooth-enabled blood glucose meters, to payment systems such as Near-Field Communication-based credit cards. In this class, students will learn about how an embedded system works from the ground up. The lectures will focus on the key enabling components of embedded systems, including: Clocks, GPIO, Interrupts, Busses, Amplifiers, Regulators, Power supplies, ADC/DAC, DMA, Storage, and Wireless communication. The goal of the class is to familiarize the students with these components so that they feel comfortable working on a team that is building a device that incorporates a wireless embedded system.


CSE 190 B00: HCI for Health (HCI4H) with Professor Weibel:

Prerequisite: Graduating senior and deep interest in research around technology and healthcare, and to have some experience in healthcare, technology or both.

To enroll: Submit Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) request - in the Justification section must explain why you are interested in research around technology and healthcare, and your experience in healthcare, technology or both. Instructor will review for approval. 

Description: HCI4H is aimed for senior undergraduates that are or want to undertake research at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction, Technology and Healthcare. HCI4H will bring together students from a variety of disciplines and majors, namely computer science, engineering, cognitive science, biomedical informatics, public health, medicine, etc. to investigate what it means to develop and study technology for healthcare. This class will bring to students methods, experiences and challenges from the real-world as a technologist in healthcare. As part of this class we will analyze and talk about practical experiences around working in the realm of healthcare, but we will also experience hand-on what this kind of work entails. Students must have research experience.


Fall 2018

FA18 CSE 190 A00: Discrete and Continuous Optimization with Professor Mohan Paturi

Prerequisites: (MATH18 or MATH31AH) and (MATH20C or MATH31BH) and (CSE21 or DSC40B or MATH154 or MATH184A)

To enroll: Complete Course Pre-Authorization form 

Course Description: One frequently deals with problems in engineering, data science, business, economics, and other disciplines for which algorithmic solutions that optimize a given quantity under constraints are desired. This course is an introduction to the models, theory, methods, and applications of discrete and continuous optimization. Topics include shortest paths, flows, linear, integer and convex programming, and continuous optimization techniques such as steepest descent and Lagrange multipliers.


FA18 CSE 190 B00: Algorithms and systems for biomolecular big data with Professor Nuno Bandeira

Prerequisites: CSE 12

Recommended: CSE 100 and CSE 101

To enroll: Complete Course Pre-Authorization form 

Course Description: With the sequencing of the genome and subsequent identification of the list of parts (genes and their protein products), there is renewed emphasis on understanding the many roles of the protein gene products using automated high-throughput approaches. The last few years have thus seen tremendous improvement in the quality and quantity of available mass spectrometry data, as well as the realization that advanced algorithms and big data crowdsourced platforms are critical to the success of this technology. This course will cover the computational, statistical and algorithmic foundations of computational analysis of mass spectrometry data from high-throughput proteomics (the “cellular computers”) and metabolomics (e.g., hormones, drugs, antibiotics, etc.) experiments. In addition, we will also cover data science aspects of how these algorithms are integrated with global big data repositories and how these support communities of experts in distributed collaborative annotation of biomolecular ‘living data’.


FA18 CSE 190 C00: Deep Learning with Professor Gary Cottrell

NOTE: This is considered equivalent to CSE 190 Neural Networks in the past

Prerequisites: MATH 20C Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Science and Engineering

Recommended: CSE 103 is highly recommended and may be taken concurrently

To enroll: Complete Course Pre-Authorization form 

Course Description: This course covers the fundamentals of neural networks: we introduce Linear regression, Logistic regression, Perceptrons, multilayer networks and back-propagation, convolutional neural networks, recurrent networks, and deep networks trained by reinforcement learning.


FA18 CSE 190 D00: Successful Entrepreneurship with Dr. Rakesh Kumar:

To enroll: Application Closed

Application Deadline: June 29, 2018

Application status updates sent out on July 18th

Description: The major objects of this course are to:

Encourage and Coach students to think like and become successful entrepreneurs, 

Describe major reasons why Microsystem start-ups typically are not successful, and

Educate them to the breadth of methodologies for success in getting their innovative Microsystem ideas to the marketplace.

Experienced guest lectures will be invited to share their success stories and lessons learned. In addition to reading assignments, students will have the opportunity to bring forward their own innovative ideas in teams of 3-5 students, and will be required to develop a first pass business plan for a start-up company as a team project. The learnings from this course will also benefit students that choose to work as intrapreneurs within larger organizations.