Teaching Students How to Land an Internship Interview or Become a CSE Tutor

Nov 11, 2017
CSE lecturer Rick Ord with some of his tutors in November 2017.

CSE undergraduates turned out this week for two important sessions organized by the student-run Computer Science and Engineering Society (CSES) for the 2017-2018 academic year. 

CSE lecturer Rick Ord with some of his tutors; photo taken
on November 2, 2017.

On Monday, Nov. 6, CSES held its first Professor/Tutor Panel of the year. The session invited students to learn more being a tutor, and how tutors help students and liaise with professors and lecturers to reinforce learning goals outside of the classroom. The panel discussion also provided a roadmap on how students - some still in their freshman year - can become a tutor in specific classes. The panel included CSE lecturers Rick Ord and Paul Cao, along with 18 CSE tutors, who were able to convey their own experiences in helping students improve on learning outcomes, especially in programming courses for students who entered their freshman year with little experience with programming from high school. The event took place in the Multipurpose Room of the Student Services Center.

CSES announces first Intern Series session of
new academic year.

The following day, on Tuesday, Nov. 7, CSES organized the inaugural session of its Intern Series for the current academic year. The first session of the Intern Series focused on Getting the Interview. The session took place from 6:30pm to 9pm in the Price Center East Ballroom. Students in attendance learned how to approach recruiters, what to put on their resumes, and specific advice appropriate to students at each year of their undergraduate education, e.g., a first-year undergrad might wonder how to begin the process, while a third-year student might need a refresher session as they look ahead to the summer between their junior and senior years (when CSE student interns are most in demand at technology companies.

The Computer Science and Engineering Society is the longest-standing and widest-reaching computer science organization. CSES brings together everyone at UC San Diego interested in getting involved in their computer science community, and the local chapter has one of the largest communities by turnout as well as in terms of outreach and other support programs.