CSE Alumnus Organizes First ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things

Jun 4, 2017
CSE alumnus organizes first Workshop on Internet of Safe Things.

CSE alumnus Bharathan Balaji (Ph.D. '16) is now a postdoctoral scholar at UCLA, and he is trying to get the word out about a brand-new conference: the 1st ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (SafeThings 2017). It's slated for November 5 at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, where it will be co-located with ACM SenSys 2017. Balaji is co-general chair of the workshop with professor Patrick Tague of Carnegie Mellon University. Balaji's former advisor at UC San Diego, CSE Prof. Rajesh Gupta, sits on the technical program committee for the new conference, and the co-program chair is UCLA Prof. Mani Srivastava, who was Gupta's deputy director on the NSF Variability Expedition project.

Balaji recent sent out the Call for Papers for the November workshop. "We seek to develop a community that systematically dissects the vulnerabilities and risks exposed by these emerging [cyber-physical systems], and create tools, algorithms, frameworks and systems that help in the development of safe systems," according to the solicitation. The primary domains to be covered by the workshop include autonomous vehicles and transportation infrastructure, medical cyber-physical systems and public health, smart buildings, smart grid and smart cities.

Among the subject categories for consideration:

  • Verification of safety in IoT platforms
  • Privacy preserving data sharing and analysis
  • Compliance with legal, health and environmental policies
  • Integration of hardware and software systems
  • Conflict resolution between IoT applications
  • Safety in human-in-the-loop systems
  • Support for IoT development - debugging tools, emulators, testbeds
  • Usable security and privacy for IoT platforms
  • Resiliency against attacks and faults
  • Secure connectivity in IoT

The submission deadline for regular paper abstracts (for oral presentation) is July 14 at 11:59PM, and actual papers are due July 21. Researchers whose submissions are accepted will be notified by August 21, with camera-ready versions of papers due September 10.  Submission of one-page poster or demo proposals are due July 21.

For further information visit the workshop website. 
The Call for Papers can be downloaded here.