Alumni Education Startup Seeks to Hire Two CS Undergrads to Mentor Youngsters in Sunday Workshops

May 12, 2017
Students ages 7-18 learn the basic of coding with help from undergraduate mentors.

The alumni-run startup ThoughtSTEM is looking for some of the best undergraduate students in computer science at UC San Diego. The part-time, paid positions involve mentoring local San Diego students at the coding workshops the company runs on Sundays at UC San Diego. ThoughtSTEM teaches local San Diego kids computer science through workshops, after-school programs and summer camps.

Undergraduate CS mentor works with kids
attending Sunday coding workshops.

The Sunday workshops take place in the CSE building, and local San Diego students benefit from access to learning from bright, motivated and expert computer science mentors. At the same time, undergraduate mentors benefit by getting paid employment in return for communicating what they are already learning in CSE.

Mentors are expected to be regularly available to teach on Sundays between the hours of 9:30AM and 3:30PM. Mentors will teach the curriculum provided on-site, and come up with their own curricular approach as they work closely with specific students to bridge any learning deficits in computer science.

Qualifications: Mentors must be a computer science undergrad at UCSD or a student who has taken at least three courses in the computer science department. They must also be a 2nd-year student starting in Fall 2017, and must stay in San Diego during the summer months. Undergraduate mentors must also pass a background check. ThoughtSTEM also prefers mentors with previous experience working with students ages 7 to 18. Finally, applicants should be passionate about computer science and coding -- and be excited to transfer that knowledge to kids.

To apply for a Sunday mentor position, undergraduates are asked to submit their unofficial transcript and resume. Please send both documents to Lindsey Handley at The company is hoping to fill two positions before June 15, so ThoughtSTEM urges CSE students to submit their applications on an ASAP timetable.

Learn more about ThoughtSTEM's Sunday coding workshops.