The Computer Science and Engineering program at UC San Diego now ranks #14 in the nation, and #40 worldwide, according to an expanded subject-area ranking in the 2017 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), published by the ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. Based on five hard-data metrics, the results put the Jacobs School of Engineering among the top 20 U.S. institutions in eight subject areas, including mechanical engineering, civil engineering, bioengineering, automation and control, biomedical engineering, materials science and engineering, and electrical and electronic engineering in addition to computer science and engineering.

The growing strength in robotics -- which includes key faculty in the CSE department, including Henrik Christensen, Laurel Riek and Ndapa Nakashole -- contributed the the school's #10 ranking in automation and control, which includes robotics. The school is a longtime leader in controls engineering, and it is home to the Cymer Center for Control Systems and Dynamics as well as the Contextual Robotics Institute (the latter launched in 2015). The robotics institute’s fourth annual international robotics forum will be held on October 27, 2017. This year’s theme: Autonomous Driving 2025.
The subject area rankings are based on a weighted combination of five indicators: the number of papers in top journals for that subject area; the average impact of papers from an institution in a particular subject area (on this count, CSE did better than top U.S. programs except Stanford); the percentage of papers that represent international collaborations; the total number of papers authored by an institution in a subject area; and the number of staff winning significant awards in that subject area; In the case of computer science and engineering, UC San Diego received zero points because no CSE faculty member has received what's considered to be the top honor in computer science: the Turing Award.
See all the rankings on the ARWU Subject Area Rankings website.