Graduating PhDs in 2014-2015

Baris Aksanli

Advisor: Tajana Rosing
Dissertation Title: Energy and Cost Efficient Data Centers
Current Employment: SDSU/ECE Dept; San Diego, CA; Assistant Professor 
Email: baksanli at sdsu dot edu

Oscar Beijbom

Advisor: David Kriegman
Dissertation Title: Automated Annotation of Coral Reef Survey Images
Current Employment: Nutonomy; Santa Monica, CA; Sr. Research Scientist
home page   Email: oscarbeijbom at gmail dot com

Sunsern Cheamanunkul

Advisor: Yoav Freund
Dissertation Title: Inference of User Intent in Adaptive Input Interfaces
Current Employment: vBit Connection; Bangkok, Thailand; Co-Founder
home page   Email: scheaman at ucsd dot edu

Michael Conley

Advisors: Amin Vahdat & George Porter
Dissertation Title: Achieving Efficient I/O with High-Performance Data Center Technologies
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
home page   Email: mconley at ucsd dot edu

Sarah Esper

Advisor: William Griswold
Dissertation Title: Designing Learning Experiences that Enculturate Novices
Current Employment: Thoughtstem; San Diego, CA; CTO & Co-Founder 
home page   Email: sesper at ucsd dot edu

Adrian Guthals

Advisor: Vineet Bafna & Nuno Bandeira 
Dissertation Title: Protein Identification via Assembly of Tandem Mass Spectra
Current Employment: Mapp Biopharmaceutical; San Diego, CA: Bioinformatics Scientist
Email: aguthals at ucsd dot edu

Matan Hofree

Advisor: Trey Ideker
Dissertation Title: Analysis of Genomic Variants via Gene Networks
Current Employment: UCSD/Dept of Medicine; La Jolla, CA; Postdoc
Email: mhofree at ucsd dot edu

Dongseok Jang

Advisor: Sorin Lerner
Dissertation Title: Language-Based Security for Web Browsers
Current Employment: Google; Los Angeles, CA; Software Engineer
home page   Email: d1jang at ucsd dot edu

Rishi Kapoor

Advisors: Amin Vahdat & George Porter
Dissertation Title: A Data Center End-host Stack for Predictable Low Latency and Dynamic Network Topologies
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
home page   Email: rkapoor at ucsd dot edu

Do-Kyum Kim

Advisors: Geoffrey Voelker & Lawrence Saul
Dissertation Title: Topic Modeling of Hierarchical Corpora
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
home page   Email: dok027 at ucsd dot edu

He "Lonnie" Liu

Advisors: Geoffrey Voelker & Stefan Savage
Dissertation Title: A High Performance Hybrid ToR for Data Centers
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
home page   Email: h8liu at ucsd dot edu

Christine Lo

Advisor: Vineet Bafna
Dissertation Title: Algorithms and Methods for Characterizing Genetic Variability in Humans
Current Employment: Counsyl; San Francisco, CA; Software Engineer 
home page   Email: chl107 at ucsd dot edu

Jingwei Lu

Advisor: Chung Cheng
Dissertation Title: Analytic VLSI Placement Using Electrostatic Analogy
Current Employment: Candence Design Systems Inc; San Jose, CA; Lead Software Engineer
home page   Email: jlu at ucsd dot edu

Janarbek Matai

Advisor: Ryan Kastner
Dissertation Title: Templates and Patterns: Augmenting High-Level Synthesis for Domain-Specific Computing
Current Employment: Cognex; San Diego, CA; Sr Software Engineer
home page   Email: jmatai at ucsd dot edu

Keaton Mowery

Advisor: Hovav Shacham
Dissertation Title: Beneath the Attack Surface
Current Employment: Apple Inc; Cupertino, CA; Security Software Engineer
home page Email: kmowery at ucsd dot edu

Nhat Tan Nguyen Thanh

Advisor: Scott Baden
Dissertation Title: Bamboo: Automatic Translation of MPI Source into a Latency-Tolerant Form
Current Employment: Lawrence Berkeley National Labs; Berkeley, CA; Postdoc
Email: nnguyent at ucsd dot edu

Nima Nikzad

Advisor: William Griswold
Dissertation Title: Annotated Programming for Energy-Efficiency in Mobile Applications
Current Employment: Scripps Translational Science Institute; La Jolla, CA; Data Scientist
home page   Email: nnikzad at ucsd dot edu

Zachary Tatlock

Advisor: Sorin Lerner
Dissertation Title: Reducing the Costs of Proof Assistant Based Formal Verification or: Conviction without the Burden of Proof
Current Employment: University of Washington; Seattle, WA; Assistant Professor 
home page   Email: ztatlock at ucsd dot edu

Hung-Wei Tseng

Advisor: Dean Tullsen
Dissertation Title: Data-Triggered Threads
Current Employment: North Carolina State Univ; Raleigh, NC; Assistant Professor
home page   Email: hungwei_tseng at ncsu dot edu

David Wang

Advisors: Geoffrey Voelker & Stefan Savage
Dissertation Title: A Comprehensive Approach to Undermining Search Result Poisoning
Current Employment: Juicero; San Francisco, CA; Software Engineer 
home page   Email: dywang at ucsd dot edu

Yu-Te Wang

Advisors: Chung Cheng & Tziy-Ping Jung
Dissertation Title: Developing a Pervasive Brain-Computer Interface System
Current Employment:  UCSD/Inst of Computational Neuroscience; La Jolla, CA; Postdoc
Email: yuw022 at ucsd dot edu

Thomas Wypych

Advisor: Falko Kuester
Dissertation Title: Agile Sensors and Streaming Frameworks for Data-Driven Real-Time Visual Analytics
Current Employment: Self Employed
Email: twypych at ucsd dot edu

Jiaqi Zhang

Advisor: Yuan Yuan Zhou
Dissertation Title: Software Configuartion Learning and Recommendation 
Current Employment: Whova Inc; San Diego, CA; Software Engineer
home page  Email: jiz013 at ucsd dot edu

Qing Zhang

Advisor: Geoffrey Voelker
Dissertation Title: Utilizing Source Information to Detect and Prevent Online-Based Fraud
Current Employment: Google; Irvine, CA; Software Engineer
home page   Email: qzhang at ucsd dot edu