graduate course home pages fall 2024

This page contains links to the CSE graduate class home pages for the current quarter. Please note that some class web pages may still be under construction.

Undergraduate class home pages for the current quarter are also available.

CSE graduate course descriptions and CSE undergraduate course descriptions are available on-line as well.

Fall 2024

Course Name Course Number
Algorithm Design and Analysis CSE202 - Liu
Applied Cryptography CSE207B - Heninger
Principle/Software Engineering CSE210 - Powell
Interaction Design Research CSE216 - Munyaka
Adv Topic/Software Engineering CSE218 - Weibel
Operating Systems CSE221 - Ousterhout
ComputerCommunication Networks CSE222A - Porter
Computer Security CSE227 - Fernandes
Tops/Seminar/Computer Systems CSE229A - Savage
Tops/Seminar/Computer Security CSE229C - Heninger
Principles/Data Base Systems CSE232 - Deutsch
Validation&Testing/EmbeddedSys CSE237C - Kastner
Top/Sem/Programming Languages CSE239B - D'Antoni
Princ/Computer Architecture CSE240A - Esmaeilzadeh
Applicatn Specific Processors CSE240D - Esmaeilzadeh
Probabilistic Reason&Learning CSE250A - Bonjour
Statistical Natural Lang Proc CSE256 - Nakashole
Recommender Sys&Web Mining CSE258 - McAuley
Recommender Sys&Web Mining CSE258R - McAuley
Seminr/Artificial Intelligence CSE259 - Prithviraj
Parallel Computation CSE260 - Chin
Discrete Differential Geometry CSE270 - Chern
Introduction to Robotics CSE276A - Christensen
Mathematics for Robotics CSE276C - Christensen
Robotic Sys Design & Implemnt CSE276E - Swanson
Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering - Pixel Cafe CSE290 - Ramamoorthi
Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering - Seminar in Comp Bio CSE290 - Bafna
Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering - Topics in Robotics CSE290 - Christensen
Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering - Large Language Models CSE290 - Paturi
Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering - Preparing for CS Careers CSE290 - Porter
Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering CSE290 - Kastner
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Large Model Reasoning CSE291 - Qin
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Programmers are People Too CSE291 - Coblenz
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Program synthesis CSE291 - D'Antoni
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Sociotechnical Cybersecurity CSE291 - Kumar
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Additive combinatorics CSE291 - Lovett
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Privacy & Society CSE291 - Munyaka
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Securing Proc Architectures CSE291 - Tullsen
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Adv. Data-Driven Text Mining CSE291 - Shang
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Quantum Complexity Theory CSE291 - Grier
Top/Computer Sci & Engineering - Navigating Academic Job Market CSE291 - Esmaeilzadeh
Faculty Research Seminar CSE292 - Swanson
Research Meeting in CSE CSE294 - Orailoglu
Research Meeting in CSE CSE294 - Porter