Space is limited to 40 people, so register here if you would like to attend:
Some background on Compassionate Communication and our workshop leader:
Compassionate Communication is not only a way of communicating but also a way perceiving our actions and the actions of others. It supports finding ways to mutually support strategies to meet our collective needs. It is beneficial not only for interpersonal communication but also for self awareness, group collaboration and social change. (CNVC.org)
Pat Kurtz holds a BS in Special Education from Indiana University, an MA in Teaching and Learning from UCSD and a credential in Education Leadership from CSUSM. She has been teaching for nearly 50 years as an elementary classroom teacher, a teacher mentor, an adjunct teacher in the CSUSM credential program, and a principal of a pre-K-6 school on Camp Pendleton. She’s delivered and/or directed over a hundred professional development classes for in-service veteran and beginning teachers.
Pat has been studying and practicing NVC/Compassionate Communication for nearly twenty years. She credits her progress to the classes and institute taught by Marshall Rosenberg, multiple networking experiences with other certificated teachers and facilitators, and considerable ongoing training via internet resources. Her learning has been further developed by the classes she has taught to college students, teachers, individuals, administrators, women in shelters, community groups and a monthly practice group.
Here are a few of the resources/paradigms of teaching Pat uses: