Become a CSE Alumni Advisory Board Member


What is the UCSD CSE Alumni board?

It is a group of nominated alumni who are passionate about the CSE Department and want to have a positive impact on the education and careers of current and future students. The Mission Statement of the CSE Alumni Advisory Board can be viewed here.

How do I join?

Nominations for new board members are taken during the first quarter of the year (January-March). 

You can be nominated by a current board member, faculty member, other alumni, or yourself.  If you are nominating another person, please ensure they are willing to take on the responsibilities of board members before you nominate them. 

New members are voted on by the current board at the Springboard meeting usually held in early April.

How long am I signing up for?

Terms are a minimum of three years on the board. 

Members generally rotate out after 3-5 years, though there's no specific time limit on the board at this point (maybe we'll institute one later).  Usually, we vote on 2-4 seats per year.

Expectations and responsibilities?

Board member nominees must be willing to take on the following responsibilities:

  • Attend two mandatory in-person board meetings per year in San Diego.  Travel expenses are covered by the Alumni Board for those living out of state to attend these meetings.
  • Attend a monthly board check-in call on the first Monday of each month at 8 pm.
  • Be an active participant on the board via email and phone.  Occasional missing of a meeting is ok, but we expect consistent participation.
  • Be willing to share ideas freely and take on the responsibility to make these ideas a reality.

There is no fixed amount of time or participation required. Typically a member spends ~2-10 hours a month working on board responsibilities. Board members in the southern California area will be more heavily relied upon to participate on campus for student events and visiting with faculty, but this is not a requirement of membership. 

We are looking for members passionate about an idea and willing to really invest in making it happen on campus!

Are there any requirements/qualities?
  • A UCSD graduate with a major in Computer Science (required)
  • Passion for the UCSD CSE department 
  • An interest in improving the experience of students
  • Excitement for putting on events for current students and alumni
  • Willingness to help us create a UCSD CSE Alumni community

The UCSD CSE Alumni Advisory Board actively seeks diverse backgrounds and opinions.