Scholarship Opportunities

Computer Science and Engineering offers many scholarships and fellowships. For more information on these scholarships, visit:

Undergraduate financial opportunities

Graduate financial opportunities

Here is a sample of available Computer Science and Engineering scholarship opportunities:

James W. Barnes Scholarship  (CSE)

Ken Bowles Scholarship (CS, CE)

CK and Jenny Cheng Scholarship  (CS, CE, EE)

Klara D. Eckart Scholarship  (CS)

Marye Anne Fox and James Whitesell Scholarship (Eng)

Mrs. Luna nd Dr. Y.C. Fund Scholarship (Eng)

Philip and Elizabeth Hiestand Scholarship (Eng)

Albert Parvin Scholarship (Eng)

Cheryl Renee Persky Memorial Scholarship (CS, EE)

Vi and Quang Pham Scholarship (Eng)

Town and Gown Scholarship (Eng)

Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship (CS, CE, Comm, Poli/Sci)

Volt Alumni Scholarship (Eng)

Robert and Pat Whalen Miitary Transfer Scholarship (Eng)