The Association for Computing Machinery SIGGRAPH Awards honor computer scientists for “exceptional achievements in computer graphics and interactive techniques,” and this year UC San Diego’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering did quite well.
The headliner was Professor Ravi Ramamoorthi, who was inducted into the SIGGRAPH Academy for his “groundbreaking theoretical work in mathematical representations of visual appearance, and for translating these into computational methods with wide practical impact.”
Ramamoorthi’s former student Lingqi Yan, now an assistant professor at UC Santa Barbara, received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation for: A unified comprehensive view of visual appearance modeling for computer graphics rendering.
In addition, CSE assistant professor Hao Su received an honorable mention for his doctoral dissertation.
(left: Lingqi Yan right: Asst. Prof. Hao Su);
ACM SIGGRAPH is a collaboration between researchers, artists, and others devoted to computer graphics.