

Dean Tullsen



Message from the Chair

I hope you enjoy this new version of our CSE Newsletter, which will now be published on the first Thursday of the month. Since our last issue, we have had a busy and incredibly successful quarter in the CSE department. I look at our collective accomplishments with great pride. I encourage you to share newsworthy items, story ideas and comments with our CSE Communications Team at  




Bafna Honored for Pioneering Bioinformatics Work

Vineet Bafna

Professor Vineet Bafna was one of four 2019 Fellows elected by the International Society for Computational Biology. [Read more.

Gupta Wins 2019 IEEE McDowell Award

Professor Rajesh Gupta received the IEEE Computer Society W. Wallace McDowell Award for his seminal contributions in design and implementation of microelectronic systems-on-chip and cyberphysical systems. [Read more.

Moving On Up

The US News rankings are out, and computer engineering at the Jacobs School ranks #12 in the nation, up from #15 last year. 

Esmaeilzadeh Named Halicioglu Chair

Rajesh Gupta

Hadi Esmaeilzadeh will expand his research in artificial intelligence and machine learning as the inaugural holder of the the Halıcıoğlu Chair in Computer Architecture. [Read more.

New Algorithm Supercharges DNA Assembly

Pavel Pevzner and colleagues report on a new way to assemble long DNA strands, which could dramatically accelerate gene sequencing projects. [Read more.

CS Researchers Evaluate Intel’s Optane DIMMs

The new DC Persistent Memory Modules can make key storage applications 17 times faster.  [Read more.

The Robots that Dementia Caregivers Want

Laurel Riek and other CSE researchers work with caregivers to find out what qualities a robot needs to care for those with dementia. [Read more.

Hadi Esmaeilzadeh

Research Highlights from ITA Workshop

Topics included digital camera shadow analysis, personalized search engines and hardware for the 5G network. Interested in an ITA Fellowship? Applications are due April 15.



Awards & Announcements

UC San Diego participants at
Computing to Change the World

Standing the Test of Time Alin Deutsch and Victor Vianu are winners of the 2019 Test of Time Award from the International Conference on Database Theory. They and their coauthors, Richard Hull and Fabio Patriz, were recognized for their 2009 paper “Automatic verification of data-centric business processes.” The award is given to papers presented at ICDT a decade ago that have had the most impact on research, methodology, conceptual contribution, or transfer to practice over the past decade.

The decade has also been good to Geoffrey Voelker and He “Lonnie” Lu, who received the 2019 Test of Time Award at the 16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation for the lasting impact of their 2009 paper "Sora: High Performance Software Radio Using General Purpose Multi-core Processors." 
Computing to Change the World

Sorin Lerner and CSE students participated in a research workshop for undergraduate women held at California State University Long Beach in February. [Read more.]

Publications & Presentations

UCSD’s Strong Showing at SIGCSE 2019

UC San Diego faculty and students swept through the prize categories at the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education:

Larry Smarr at CENIC 2019
  • A paper co-authored by Leo Porter and Beth Simon and CSE Ph.D. alumna Cynthia Lee was named No. 4 on a list of top 10 symposium papers of all time in honor of SIGCSE's 50th anniversary.
  • CSE Ph.D. student Soohyun Liao, along with Christine Alvarado, Bill Griswold and Leo Porter received the 3rd best paper award in the Computing Education Research track.
  • CSE Ph.D. alumna Cynthia Taylor won the Best Paper Award in the New Curricula, Programs, Degrees and Position Paper track.
  • Mia Minnes, Paul Cao, Steve Swanson, Hans Yuan and CSE Ph.D. students Sander Valstar and Devon Merrill also presented papers at this year’s conference. 

Immersive Technology on Display at CENIC 2019

Technology demonstrations at the Qualcomm Institute gave conference attendees a 3D look at coral reefs, wildfire mapping efforts and drone discoveries. [Read more.] 
Brick for Smart Buildings

Brick Schema, an open-source development effort to create a uniform schema for representing metadata in buildings, has released a new white paper on Brick with Memoori and Johnson Controls. Rajesh Gupta and Ph.D. student Jason Koh are the UC San Diego leads on the Brick project.



 (l-r) Peter Tueller, Curt Schurgers and Quentin Gautier

Engineers for Exploration: Help Wanted!

Engineers for Exploration develops intelligent system to aid archaeologists, biologists, ecologists and marine scientists to create technology that facilitates their scientific research. The group's student-led teams are now seeking people with an interest in computer vision and analytics to join their Tunnel Mapping and Baboons on the Move projects. To learn more about these and other projects, visit their website.  
ERSP Now Recruiting

Early Research Scholars Program offers early CSE students opportunities to join research projects led by CSE faculty. Applications for the 2019-2020 cohort are now open, and there will be an information session on the program on April 9 from 11 a.m. to noon in CSE 1202. Learn more about the program at the ERSP website
Volunteer Opportunities for Alumni

CSE alumni, we’re looking for volunteer help with our events throughout the year. If you’re interested in helping out, let us know through our sign-up form


Vineet Pandey (l) and San Diego Fermenters
Club's Austin Durant


QI Shows Off VR: California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Director Larry Smarr talks to KPBS about the virtual reality systems and capabilities at the Qualcomm Institute. 

Gut Instincts: On KPBS, Ph.D. student and Gut Instinct lead researcher Vineet Pandey talked about a citizen science experiment testing kombucha's impact on gut health.

Taking Data Science Mainstream: Halicioğlu Data Science Institute Director Rajesh Gupta stopped by Good Morning San Diego-KUSI to discuss UC San Diego's leading role in data science education









cse-celebration.jpgApril 12: UCSD CSE Celebration of Diversity

This day-long inaugural event is free and will offer keynote presentations, workshops, panels and networking opportunities. For more information, visit http://csecelebration.ucsd.edu 
April 18: Jacobs School Research Expo  

Research Expo showcases outstanding student research from our M.S. and Ph.D. students in all six of our engineering departments. For more information visit http://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/re/ 
CSE Events Calendar



cse-alumni.jpgCatch the latest issue of the CSE Alumni Magazine! Read about the accomplishments and achievements of the CSE alumni community.