Updated February 11, 2021
- Be sure to read CSE Graduate Courses home page
Course # |
Title |
Fall 2020 |
Winter 2021 |
Spring 2021 |
CSE 200 |
Computability & Complexity |
CSE 201A |
Advanced Complexity |
CSE 202 |
Algorithm Design and Analysis |
Impagliazzo |
Micciancio |
CSE 203A |
Advanced Algorithms |
CSE 203B |
Convex Optimization Formulations and Algorithms |
Cheng |
CSE 205A |
Logic in Computer Science |
Vianu |
CSE 206A |
Lattice Algorithms and Applications |
CSE 207 |
Modern Cryptography |
Bellare |
CSE 207B |
Applied Cryptography |
Heninger |
CSE 208 |
Advanced Cryptography |
Micciancio |
CSE 209A |
Top/Sem: Alg,Complexity & Logic |
Impagliazzo |
Lovett |
CSE 209B |
Top/Sem: Cryptography |
Bellare |
Micciancio |
CSE 210 |
Principles of Software Engineering |
Powell |
CSE 211 |
Software Testing & Analysis |
CSE 216 |
Interaction Design Research (XL COGS230) |
Klemmer |
CSE 218 |
Adv Topics: Software Engineering |
Weibel |
CSE 219 |
Design at Large (XL COGS 229) |
Wang |
Eikey/Wang |
Wang |
CSE 221 |
Operating Systems |
Zhou |
Voelker |
CSE 222A |
Computer Communication Networks |
Schulman |
CSE 223B |
Distributed Computing & Systems |
Snoeren |
CSE 224 |
Graduate Networked Systems |
G. Porter |
CSE 227 |
Computer Security |
Stefan |
CSE 229A |
Top/Sem: Computer Systems |
Snoeren |
Schulman |
CSE 229C |
Top/Sem: Computer Security |
Heninger |
Savage |
Stefan |
CSE 230 |
Principles of Programming Languages |
Jhala |
CSE 231 |
Advanced Compiler Design |
Politz |
CSE 232 |
Principles of Data Base Systems |
Papakonstantino |
CSE 232B |
Database System Implementation |
Deutsch |
CSE 233 |
Database Theory |
CSE 234 |
Advanced Analytics and ML Systems |
A. Kumar |
CSE 237A |
Intro to Embedded Computing |
CSE 237B |
Software for Embedded Computing |
CSE 237C |
Validation/Testing of Embedded Systems |
Kastner |
CSE 237D |
Design Automation & Prototyping for Embedded Systems |
Kastner |
CSE 239A |
Topics/Seminar in Database |
A. Kumar |
Deutsch |
Vianu |
CSE 240A |
Principles of Computer Architecture |
Esmaeilzadeh |
Zhao |
CSE 240B |
Advanced Computer Architecture |
CSE 240C |
Advanced Microarchitecture |
Mirbagher |
CSE 240D |
Application-Specific Architectures |
Esmaeilzadeh |
CSE 241A |
Intro/Computing Circuitry (XL ECE 260B) |
Kahng |
CSE 243A |
Introduction to Synthesis Methodologies in VLSI CAD |
Orailoglu |
CSE 244A |
VLSI Test |
Orailoglu |
CSE 245 |
Comp Aided Circuit Simulation & Verif |
CSE 248 |
Alg. & Optimization Found VLSI CAD |
CSE 249A |
Top/Sem: Computer Architecture |
CSE 249B |
Top/Sem: VLSI |
Kahng |
Kahng |
Kahng |
CSE 250A |
AI: Prob. Reason & Learning |
Saul Saul |
CSE 251A |
AI: Learning Algorithms |
Chaudhuri |
CSE 251B |
AI: Neural Networks/Pattern Recognition |
Cottrell |
CSE 251C |
Principles of Machine Learning: Machine Learning Theory |
Moshkovitz |
CSE 252A |
Computer Vision I |
Kriegman |
CSE 252B |
Computer Vision II |
Ochoa |
CSE 252C |
Select Topic: Vision & Learning |
CSE 252D |
Advanced Computer Vision |
Chandraker |
CSE 254 |
Statistical Learning |
CSE 255 |
Data Mining and Analytics |
CSE 256 |
Statistical Natural Language Processing |
CSE 257 |
Search and Optimization |
Gao |
CSE 258 |
Recommender Sys & Web Mining |
McAuley |
CSE 258A |
Cognitive Modeling |
CSE 259 |
Topics/Sem. Artificial Intelligence |
Shang |
Cottrell |
Nakashole |
CSE 260 |
Parallel Computation |
Chin |
CSE 262 |
System Suppport/ Parallel Computing |
CSE 272 |
Advanced Image Synthesis |
CSE 274 |
Selected Topics in Graphics |
Chern |
CSE 276A |
Introduction to Robotics |
Christensen |
CSE 276B |
Human-Robot Interaction |
CSE 276C |
Mathematics for Robotics |
Christensen |
CSE 276D |
Healthcare Robotics |
CSE 276E |
Robotic System Design & Implementation |
Swanson |
CSE 280A |
Algorithms & Computational Biology |
Bafna |
CSE 282 |
Bioinf II: Sequence & Structures Analysis (XL BENG 202) |
Pevzner |
CSE 283 |
Bioinf III: Functional Genomics (XL BENG 203) |
Bafna |
CSE 284 |
Personal Genomics for Bioinformaticians |
Gymrek |
CSE 290 |
CSE Seminar: TBA |
Esmaeilzadeh Zhao Gao Bafna Lerner Zhou Ramamoorthi Su |
Saul Berg-Kirkpatrick Bafna Orailoglu Cheng Jhala Chandraker Christensen Cheng |
Tullsen Saul Polikarpova Chern Pevzner Christensen |
CSE 291 |
Topics in CSE: TBA |
Shang Dasgupta A. Kumar Heninger Rashtchian Yu Vaccaro |
Polikarpova Savage Zhou Pasquale Chandraker Soosai Raj Su Polikarpova |
Pannuto Berg-Kirkpatrick Bandeira Su Rotenberg Dasgupta Lovett Weibel Ochoa Stefan |
CSE 292 |
Faculty Research Seminar |
Saul Cheng |
CSE 294 |
Research Mtg in CSE |
G. Porter Orailoglu |
Voelker |
CSE 599 |
Teaching Methods in CSE |
Minnes-Kemp |
Minnes-Kemp |
Minnes-Kemp |