Sameer Agarwal
Advisor: Serge Belongie
Dissertation Title: Learning From Higher Order Relations
Current Employment: University of Washington, Seattle; Seattle, WA; Post Doc; Computer Science
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Andrey Balmin
Advisor: Ioannis Papakonstantinou
Dissertation Title: Management of Structured XML Data
Current Employment: IBM Almaden Research Center; San Jose, CA; Research Staff Member
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Leeann Bent
Advisor: Geoff Voelker
Dissertation Title: Informed Web Content Delivery
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer;
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Xiaofeng Gao
Advisor: Allan Snavely and Larry Carter
Dissertation Title: Reducing Time and Space Cost for Memory Tracing
Current Employment: Microsoft Center for Software Excellency; Redmond, WA; Research and Development;
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Flavio P Junqueira
Advisor: Keith Marzullo and Geoff Voelker
Dissertation Title: Coping with Dependent Failures in Distributed Systems
Current Employment: Yahoo Research; Barcelona, Spain; Researcher
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Eugene Hung
Advisor: Joeseph Pasquale
Dissertation Title: Behavior -Based Remote Executing Agents
Current Employment: YIBM; San Jose, CA; Software Engineer
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Tadayoshi Kohno (Yoshi Kohno)
Advisor: Mihir Bellare
Dissertation Title: Authenticated Encryption in Practice: Generalized Composition Methods and the Secure Shell, CWC, and WinZip Schemes
Current Employment: University of Washington; Seattle, WA; Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
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Derrick Kondo
Advisor: Henri Casanova and Andrew Chien
Dissertation Title: Scheduling Task Parallel Applications for Rapid Turnaround on Desktop Grids
Preferred Employment: Unknown
Anton Mityagin
Advisor: Mihir Bellare
Dissertation Title: Protocols and Security Proofs for Data Authentication
Current Employment: Microsoft Research; Redmond, WA; Research Scientist
Sagnik Nandy
Advisor: Jeanne Ferrante and Larry Carter
Dissertation Title: Large Scale Autonomous Computing Systems
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Researcher;
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Alan Nash
Advisor: Jeff Remmel, Russell Impagliazzo, and Victor Vianu
Dissertation Title: Foundations of Information Integration
Current Employment: Aleph One LLC; La Jolla, CA; Founder and Manager
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Adriana Palacio
Advisor: Mihir Bellare
Dissertation Title: On Identification, Zero-Knowledge, and Plaintext-Aware-Encryption
Current Employment: Bowdoin College; Brunswick, ME; Assistant Professor, Computer Science
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Mikhail Petropoulos
Advisor: Yannis Papakonstantinou
Dissertation Title: Exporting and Utilizing Database Interfaces on the Web
Current Employment: University at Buffalo SUNY; CSE Department; Assistant Professor; Buffalo, NY;
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Sherief M. Reda
Advisor: Andrew Kahng
Dissertation Title: New Approaches for Placement and Benchmarking of CMOS and Gene Chips
Current Employment: Brown University; Engineering Department; Assistant Professor; Providence, RI
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Liying Sui
Advisor: Victor Vianu
Dissertation Title: Specialization and Verification of Interactive Data-Driven Web Applications
Current Employment: Microsoft; Software Design Engineer; San Jose, CA
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Renata Teixeira
Advisor: Geoff Voelker
Dissertation Title: Network Sensitivity to Intradomain Routing Changes
Current Employment: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at the Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6 (Lip6); Researcher; Paris, France
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Guilian Wang
Advisor: Joseph Goguen
Dissertation Title: Schema Mapping for Data Transformation and Integration
Current Employment: Intuit; San Diego, CA
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Qinke Wang
Advisor: Andrew Kahng
Dissertation Title: Analytical Methods for VLSI Module Placement
Current Employment: Magma Design Automation; Santa Clara, CA; Senior Technical Member
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Joshua J. Wills
Advisor: Serge Belongie
Dissertation Title: Data Analysis Methods for Motion Segmentation and Material Reflectance
Current Employment: Sony Imageworks; Culver City, CA; Software Engineer, Intermediate
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Yu Xu
Advisor: Yannis Papakonstantinou
Dissertation Title: Optimizations of Manufacturability and Manufacturing in Nanometer-Era VLSI
Current Employment: Unknown
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Yang (Teddy) Yang
Advisor: Henri Casanova and Jeanne Ferrante
Dissertation Title: Scheduling Divisible Load in Multiple Rounds
Current Employment:; Seattle, WA; Software Development Engineer
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Bo Yao
Advisor: C.K. Cheng
Dissertation Title: Physical Planning of VLSI Layout
Current Employment: Mentor Graphics Corp.; San Jose, CA; Software Development Engineer
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Weifeng Zhang
Advisor: Brad Calder and Dean Tullsen
Dissertation Title: Event-Driven Multithreaded Dynamic Optimization
Current Employment: Microsoft; Seattle, WA; Software Design Engineer
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Shuo Zhou
Advisor: Chung Cheng
Dissertation Title: Static Timing Analysis in VLSI Design
Current Employment: Synopsys; San Jose, CA; Research and Design Engineer
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