Emergency Action Plan

Computer Science and Engineering Building (EBU3-B)

Building Evacuation Procedures

Keep Yourself and Others Calm

  • Shut down equipment that could become unstable or present a hazard.
  • Gather your personal belongings such as glasses, prescription medicine, keys, backpacks/bags/purse.
  • Touch closed doors before opening. If the surface is hot, do not open -- use another exit route.
  • Quickly move to the outside of the building using the nearest door marked with an "EXIT" sign.
  • Close, but do not lock, all doors as you leave. Take your keys with you.
  • Do not use the elevators. Proceed to the nearest safe stairway.
  • Be certain all persons in the area are evacuated immediately. Keep a list of all laboratory personnel near the exit of the lab/office that can easily be accessed and taken out of the building during an emergency. Use this list as a checklist to ensure all persons are out of the building. Advise emergency response personnel of any missing individuals.
  • Help those who need special assistance - disabled, small children, etc.
  • Report immediately to the designated evacuation area located near the building. 
  • Report any missing individuals and last known locations to emergency responders.
  • Notify emergency responders about sensitive research, operating equipment, animals left in buildings, etc.
  • For Computer Science and Engineering building, meet on Warren mall just south of the building or the Engineering quad near the bear statue.
  • Wait for instructions from emergency response personnel. Do not re-enter the building.

Earthquake Procedures

During Heavy Shaking

  • Quickly take cover under a desk/table or crouch in a corner away from large surfaces. Expect, at least, 30 seconds of strong shaking.
  • After the shaking has subsided, quickly evacuate the building, using the stairs, to the designated gathering area on Warren mall just south of the building or the Engineering quad near the bear statue.
  • Personnel will not be allowed to return to their work area until the building has been structurally inspected.

Fire Procedures

In Case of a Small Fire

  • Grab the nearest fire extinguisher. Make sure you have an unobstructed exit available to you.
  • Pull the finger pin located in the extinguisher's handle.
  • Aim the nozzle at the BASE of the fire.
  • Squeeze the handles, sweeping the nozzle from side to side until the fire is out.

In case of a Large Fire

  • Pull the fire alarm and call UCSD Police.
  • From a University phone: 911
  • From a cell phone: 534-HELP [4357]
  • Alert people in the area to begin evacuation. Assist those with disabilities.
  • Close doors to confine the fire.
  • Move to your designated assembly area away and upwind from the building.
  • Have persons knowledgeable about the incident and location assist emergency personnel.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Fire, Police, Medical

  From Campus Phone911

  From Cell Phone858-534-HELP (4357)

Thornton Emergency Roomx 7-7600

Poison Center543-6000

Main EOC43609/43053

Main EOC FAX43514


EH&S Lab46418

EH&S Van994-3521

Campus Emergency Status Info888-308-8273

When Calling 911, calmly state:

  • Your name, the building and room locations of the emergency.
  • The nature of the emergency - fire, chemical, etc.
  • Whether injuries have occurred.
  • Hazards present, which may affect responding emergency personnel.
  • A phone number near the scene where you can be reached.

Master Telephone Contact List


ChairDean Tullsen4-6181

Safety Officer*Matt Scott4-7122

MSO CSEDanielle Elias4-3712

* Holds Key Contact Information for each lab owned by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.