CSE and Design Lab Presence at CHI 2016

Jun 5, 2016
Design Lab at CHI 2016 Lunch

The Design Lab at UC San Diego was out in force last month for CHI 2016, the premier human-computer interaction (HCI) annual conference, and Computer Science and Engineering faculty and graduate students were among those on hand in San Jose. CSE faculty attending CHI included Scott Klemmer, Bill Griswold, and CSE faculty-affiliate and Design Lab co-director Jim Hollan (whose primary appointment is in Cognitive Science). Klemmer also has a joint appointment in CogSci.

Klemmer, who is a co-director of the Design Lab, was also a co-author of a paper presented at CHI. It was presented by first author Catherine Hicks, a former postdoc in the Design Lab who is now at Google.  The paper focused on assessment in online learning, carrying the title, “Framing Feedback: Choosing Review Environment Features that Support High-Quality Peer Assessment.” (Click here for Framing Feedback presentation slides of Catherine Hicks.) Co-authors Hicks, Klemmer and CSE Ph.D. students Vineet Pandey and Ailie Fraser concluded that carefully structuring online learning environments is critical to ensuring high-quality peer reviews. 

[Pictured at left on far side: CSE alumnae Sarah Guthals and Elizabeth Bales (first and second furthest from camera), CogSci/CSE Prof. Jim Hollan (fourth from camera), and CSE alumna Laura Pina (nearest to camera). Left side: CSE grad student Steven Rick and CSE/CogSci Prof. Scott Klemmer (third and fourth from camera), have lunch with other Design Lab collaborators attending CHI 2016. Photo by CSE Ph.D. student Vineet Pandey.]

Pandey is advised by Prof. Klemmer in the Design Lab, and he also presented a paper during HCI Across Borders, one of the workshops that preceded CHI 2016 and which were co-located with the bigger conference. Pandey has been focusing on how online students can do useful scientific work even if they are not physically present on a university campus, and he delivered a paper on "Education Across Borders: Technology-Supported Mentoring and Teambuilding."

CHI 2016 also included a plenary conversation between Kimberly Bryant, founder of the Black Girls Code nonprofit organization, and CSE alumna Sarah Guthals (Ph.D. ’14), co-founder of ThoughtSTEM, a company that provides software and training to help students learn how to code. (The company was co-created by Guthals and fellow CSE Ph.D. student Stephen Foster. The 45-minute conversation is now available for on-demand viewing on YouTube.

[Pictured at right: CSE alumna Sarah Guthals and Black Girls Code's Kimberly Bryant, far right,  converse during CHI 2016 plenary session.]

Catherine Hicks' slides for presentation on "Framing Feedback" at CHI 2016.

"Framing Feedback" CHI Project Website
Education Across Borders: Technology-Supported Mentoring and Teambuilding Paper