CSE199H - CSE Honors Thesis Research for Undergraduates



Undergraduate research for completing an honors project under the supervision of a CSE faculty member.  May be taken across multiple quarter.  Must be taken for a letter grade.  Department stamp required.  Consent of instructor required.

Course Objectives: 

Starting Fall 2010 the CSE Honors Program is in accordance with University Honors Program guidelines, to apply for the CSE Honors Program students must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Junior-level standing in a CSE major.
  • 3.5 GPA in CSE major courses, 3.25 GPA overall.
  • Completion of CSE 101, CSE 105, and CSE 110.
  • Completion of at least 12 units of upper-division CSE courses at UCSD.

To apply for admission to the CSE Honors Program, students must submit a formal application that includes the following information:

  • Name of CSE faculty advisor sponsoring the project.
  • Project proposal (one page).
  • Signature from the faculty advisor acknowledging that the faculty member has agreed to advise the student in the honors program, and corroborates the specifics of the project.
  • Submit the application no later than the end of Fall quarter of senior year. Submission during Spring quarter of junior year is strongly encouraged.

Admission to the honors program will be formally approved by the CSE honors committee based upon the materials provided in the application.


12 hours per week of outside prep.

Laboratory Work: 

No final exam.


Admission to the CSE Department Honors program.

Other Restrictions: 

May be taken no more than 6 times.


Every quarter.

For more detailed information about the CSE Honors Program and an overview of the CSE Honors experience, please visit the CSE Honors Program website: https://cse.ucsd.edu/undergraduate/cse-honors-program