Graduating PhDs in 2009-2010

Mikhail Afanasyev

Advisor: Alex Snoeren
Dissertation Title: Overhearing in 802.11 Mesh Networks
Current Employment: CSIRO; Brisbane, Australia; Post Doc
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Yuvraj Agarwal

Advisor: Rajesh Gupta
Dissertation Title: Building Aggressively Duty-Cycled Platforms to Achieve Energy Efficiency
Current Employment: UCSD; La Jolla, CA; Research Scientist
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Alvin Auyoung

Advisor: Alex Snoeren
Dissertation Title: Practical Market-Based Resource Allocation
Current Employment: HP Labs; Palo Alto, CA; Post Doc
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Jeffery A. Brown

Advisor: Dean Tullsen
Dissertation Title: Architectural Support for Efficient On-chip Parallel Execution
Preferred Employment: Google Labs; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
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Chris Calabro

Advisor: Ramamohan Paturi
Dissertation Title: The Exponential Complexity of Satisfiability Problems
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
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Manmohan Chandraker

Advisor: David Kriegman
Dissertation Title: From Pictures to 3D: Global Optimization for Scene Reconstruction
Current Employment: UC Berkeley; Berkeley, CA; Post Doc
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Will Chang

Advisor: Matthias Zwicker
Dissertation Title: Reconstruction of Dynamic Articulated 3D Models from Range Scans
Current Employment: Digital Aria; Seongnam City, South Korea; Software Engineer
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Jerry Chou

Advisor: Bill Lin and Geoff Voelker
Dissertation Title: A New Network Architecture for Future Optical Networks: Coarse Optical Circuit Switching by Default, Rerouting Over Circuits for Adaptation
Current Employment: UCSD; La Jolla, CA; Post Doc
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Ayse Coskun

Advisor: Tajana Rosing
Dissertation Title: Efficient Thermal Management for Multiprocessor Systems
Current Employment: Boston University; Boston, MA; Assistant Professor
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Emiran Curtmola

Advisor: Alin Deutsch
Dissertation Title: Democratic Community-Based Search with XML Full-Text Queries
Current Employment: Teradata, Los Angeles, CA; Engineer
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Banu Dost

Advisor: Vineet Bafna
Dissertation Title: Optimization Algorithms on Biological Data
Current Employment: UCSD; La Jolla, CA; Post Doc
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Deborah Goshorn

Advisor:Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado and Ryan Kastner
Dissertation Title: The Systems Engineering of a Network-Centric Distributed Intelligent System of Systems for Robust Human Behavior Classifications
Preferred Employment: Naval Postgraduate School; Monterey CA; Assistant Professor
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Buhm Han

Advisor: Vineet Bafna and Eleazar Eskin
Dissertation Title: Effective Design and Analysis of Genetic Association Studies
Current Employment: UCLA; Los Angeles, CA; Post Doc

Daniel Hsu

Advisor: Sanjoy Dasgupta
Dissertation Title: Algorithms for Active Learning
Current Employment: Rutgers University; New Brunswick, NJ; Post Doc
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Heasoo Hwang

Advisor:  Yannis Papakonstantinou
Dissertation Title: Dynamic Link-Based Ranking Over Large-Scale Graph-Structured Data
Preferred Employment: Industry
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Ali Irturk

Advisor: Ryan Kastner
Dissertation Title: GUSTO: General Architecture Design Utility and Synthesis Tool for Optimitzation
Current Employment: UCSD; La Jolla, CA; Post Doc
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Zhong- Yi Jin

Advisor: Rajesh Gupta
Dissertation Title: Improving the Performance of Distributed Simulations of Wireless Sensor Networks
Preferred Employment: Industry
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Ioannis Katsis

Advisor: Alin Deutsch and Yannis Papakonstantinou
Dissertation Title: Community-Oriented Information Integration
Current Employment: INRIA Research Institute; Paris, France; Post Doc

Sudipta Kundu

Advisor: Rajesh Gupta and Sorin Lerner
Dissertation Title: High-Level Verification of System Designs
Current Employment: Synopsys; Hillsboro, OR; Sr R and D Engineer
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Cynthia Lee

Advisor: Allan Snavely
Dissertation Title: On the User-Scheduler Relationship in High-Performance Computing
Preferred Employment: Academia or Industry- Seeking Employment
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Justin Ma

Advisor: Stefan Savage, Geoffrey Voelker, Lawrence Saul
Dissertation Title: Learning to Detect Malicious URLs
Planned Employment: UC Berkeley; Berkeley, CA; Postdoctoral Researcher
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Yanhua Mao

Advisor: Keith Marzullo
Dissertation Title: State Machine Replication for Wide Area Networks
Current Employment: FaceBook Inc; Palo Alto, CA; Software Engineer
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Patricia Shanahan

Advisor: William Griswold
Dissertation Title: Machine Learning for Context-Aware Reminders and Suggestions
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Ryo Sugihara

Advisor: Rajesh Gupta
Dissertation Title: Controlled Mobility in Sensor Networks
Current Employment: IBM Tokyo Research Lab; Kanagawa, Japan; Researcher
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Patrick Verkaik

Advisor: Alex Snoeren
Dissertation Title: Enhancing Networking Protocols in Widely Deployed Devices
CurrentEmployment: Meraki; San Francisco, CA; Software Engineer
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Jan Voung

Advisor: Ranjit Jahala and Sorin Learner
Dissertation Title: Dataflow Analysis for Concurrent Programs Using Data-Race Detection
Current Employment: Google; Mountain View, CA; Software Engineer
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Renshen Wang

Advisor: Chung-Kuan Cheng
Dissertation Title: Physical Planning to Embrace Interconnect Dominance in Power and Performance
Current Employment: Mentor Graphics; San Jose, CA; Software Engineer
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Scott Yilek

Advisor: Daniele Micciancio
Dissertation Title: Public-Key Encryption Security in the Presence of Randomness Failures
Current Employment: University of St. Thomas; St. Paul, MN; Assistant Professor
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Ling Zhang

Advisor: Chung-Kuan Cheng
Dissertation Title: Low Power High Performance Interconnect Design and Optimization
Current Employment: Broadcom Corp; San Diego, CA; Staff Scientist
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Wanping Zhang

Advisor: Chung-Kuan Cheng
Dissertation Title: Power Network Analysis and Optimization
Current Employment: Qualcomm; San Diego, CA; Software Engineer